Display driver
Litos8 supports standard BIOS videomodes BIOS, number 0 to 19. It allows to display characters in IBM or KEYBCS2 code (Kamenickych brothers; depending on language selected by Scroll Lock), scrolling, copy display area, frames. Supported video cards are MDA (or Hercules), CGA, EGA and VGA.
Color is entered in the color attribute format with functions to display a text, as it is usual in text modes - lower 4 bits present text color, upper 4 bits background color. For functions without specifying color, a default color will be used, adjustable with DispSetDefCol function.
Most videomodes allow to determine the start of display video memory, using DispSetShift function. So it is possible to switch between multiple display pages and realize fast image scrolling.
DispGetCard - get video card type
AL = video card
type (VCARD_MDA..)
DispSetMode - set videomode
AL = required videomode
AL = new current videomode
DispGetMode - get current videomode
AL = videomode (VMODE_40x25G..)
DispGetModeDesc - get current videomode descriptor
SI = pointer to VMODE descriptor
DispGetFontSize - get current font height
AL = number of lines per character
NOTES: Can be used when setting cursor size. All graphics modes use 8-line characters.
DispClear - clear display
SetCursor - set cursor position
DL = column
DH = row
NOTES: Cursor is visible only in text modes. To disable cursor, move it out of display area. It temporaly disables interrupts.
GetCursor - get cursor position
AL = column
AH = row
SetCursorSize - set cursor size
AL = bottom line of cursor, from top (0..31, AL >= AH)
AH = top line of cursor, from top (0..31, AH <= AL)
NOTES: Cursor is visible only in text modes. To disable cursor, move it out of display area. It temporaly disables interrupts.
GetCursorSize - get cursor size
AL = bottom line of cursor,from top (0..31, AL >= AH)
AH = top line of cursor, from top (0..31, AH <= AL)
NOTES: Cursor is visible only in text modes. To disable cursor, move it out of display area.
DispGetDefCol - get default color
AL = default color
DispSetDefCol - set default color
AL = default color
DispFill - fill text area
AL = character
AH = color attributes
CL = width
CH = height
DL = column
DH = row
DispChar - display character
AL = character
AH = color attributes
DL = column
DH = row
DispText - display text
AH = color attributes
SI = pointer to text
CX = text length
DL = column
DH = row
DispMove - move text area
BL = source column
BH = source row
CL = width
CH = height
DL = destination column
DH = destination row
DispScroll - scroll screen by one row
DispSetShift - set shift of view window
AX = row (text) or Y coordinate (graphics)
DispGetShift - get shift of view window
AX = row (text) or Y coordinate (graphics)
GetCharFont - get character font (8x8 character)
AL = character
SI = address of 8x8 character font
SetBorder - set screen border color
AL = border color 0..31 (bit 4: high intensity)
NOTES: With CGA graphics card it works only in text modes.
DispCharTable - display character table (characters 0..255)
AH = color attributes
DH = column
DL = row
NOTES: Table has size 35 x 18.
SetCGAPal - set CGA palettes
AL = color, bit 0..3: black color (color with
index 0), bit 4: intensive foreground colors, bit 5: palettes 0 =
green + brown, 1 = cyan + magenta
SetEGAPal - set one EGA palette register
AL = palette register 0..15
AH = color value
- bit 0: blue 2/3
- bit 1: green 2/3
- bit 2: red 2/3
- bit 4: secondary blue 1/3
- bit 5: secondary green 1/3
- bit 6: secondary blue 1/3
NOTES: Default values of palette registers:
0: 00h black
1: 01h blue
2: 02h green
3: 03h cyan
4: 04h red
5: 05h magenta
6: 14h brown
7: 07h white
8: 38h dark gray
9: 39h light blue
10: 3Ah light green
11: 3Bh light cyan
12: 3Ch light red
13: 3Dh light magenta
14: 3Eh yellow
15: 3Fh light white
SetEGAPalTab - set EGA palette registers using table
AX = 17-byte table of palette registers (last byte is border):
- bit 0: blue 2/3
- bit 1: green 2/3
- bit 2: red 2/3
- bit 4: secondary blue 1/3
- bit 5: secondary green 1/3
- bit 6: secondary blue 1/3
VGASetPal - set one VGA palette register
AL = palette register index (0..255)
AH = palette value Red (0..255)
BL = palette value Blue (0..255)
BH = palette value Green (0..255)
NOTES: Only 6 most significant bits of palettes are used (bits 2..7).
VGASetPalRGB - set VGA palettes from RGB table
AL = start palette register index (0..255)
CX = number of palette registers (1..256)
SI = palette table (triples: Blue, Green, Red, values 0..255)
NOTES: Only 6 most significant bits of palettes are used (bits 2..7).
VGASetPalRGBA - set VGA palettes from RGBA table
AL = start palette register index (0..255)
CX = number of palette registers (1..256)
SI = palette table (Blue, Green, Red, Alpha, values 0..255)
NOTES: Only 6 most significant bits of palettes are used (bits 2..7). Alpha component of table is unused and skipped.
VGASetPalDef - set default VGA palettes
NOTES: Color 0..15: standard EGA palettes. Color 16..31: gray scale 0,11h,22h,...0ffh. Color 32..39: bright colors RGB (black, blue, green,...white). Color 40..255: uniform palette (blue, green, red in 6 levels).
VGAGetPalDef - get default VGA RGB palettes
DI = destination 768-byte buffer (256 entries B-G-R, 0..255)
NOTES: Color 0..15: standard EGA palettes. Color 16..31: gray scale 0,11h,22h,...0ffh. Color 32..39: bright colors RGB (black, blue, green,...white). Color 40..255: uniform palette (blue, green, red in 6 levels).
ImportRGBPal - import RGB palettes
SI = imported RGB palettes (768 bytes: 256 entries B-G-R,0..255)
BX = reference RGB palette to import to (768 bytes: 256*B-G-R)
DI = destination 256-byte buffer, obtaining remapping indices
SetTXTBlink - set TEXT blinking mode (EGA, VGA)
AL = if color bit 7 is set: 1=blinking, 0=intensive background
VCARD_MDA: (=0) MDA (or Hercules MCG)
VMODE_FLAGS: (byte) videomode flags (see
VMODE_MODEL: (byte) color model (see below)
VMODE_COLBITS: (byte) number of color bits
VMODE_DEFMODE: (byte) default text videomode
VMODE_COLS: (byte) number of text columns
VMODE_ROWS: (byte) number of text rows
VMODE_SCANLINE: (word) bytes per row (text or graphics)
VMODE_WIDTH: (word) graphics width
VMODE_HEIGHT: (word) graphics height
VMODE_SEGM: (word) videomemory segment
VMODE_MAXSHIFT: (word) view window maximal shift
VMODE_PORT: (word) control port (3D4h or 3B4h)
VMODE_CLEAR: (word) function - clear display
VMODE_FILL: (word) function - fill text area (INPUT: AL =
character, AH = color attributes, CL = width, CH = height, DL =
column, DH = row)
VMODE_CHAR: (word) function - display character (INPUT: AL =
character, AH = color attributes, DL = column, DH = row)
VMODE_MOVE: (word) function - move text area (INPUT: BL = source
column, BH = source row, CL = width, CH = height, DL =
destination column, DH = destination row)
VMODE_SHIFT: (word) function - shift view window (INPUT: AX = row
or Y-coord.)
videomode flags:
VMODE_FLAGS_MDA: (=B0) MDA card supported
VMODE_FLAGS_CGA: (=B1) CGA card supported
VMODE_FLAGS_EGA: (=B2) EGA card supported
VMODE_FLAGS_VGA: (=B3) VGA card supported
color model:
VMODE_MODEL_NO (=0) unknown color model
VMODE_MODEL_TXT (=1) text (2 bytes per character)
VMODE_MODEL_CG1 (=2) CGA 1-bit (2 colors) graphics
VMODE_MODEL_CG2 (=3) CGA 2-bit (4 colors) graphics
VMODE_MODEL_EG1 (=4) EGA 1-bit (2 colors) graphics
VMODE_MODEL_EG4 (=5) EGA 4-bit (16 colors) graphics
VMODE_MODEL_VGA (=6) VGA 8-bit (256 colors) graphics
VMODE_40x25G: (=0) text 40 x 25 gray
VMODE_40x25: (=1) text 40 x 25 color
VMODE_80x25G: (=2) text 80 x 25 gray
VMODE_80x25: (=3) text 80 x 25 color
VMODE_320x200x4: (=4) graphics 320 x 200, 4 colors
VMODE_320x200x4G: (=5) graphics 320 x 200, 4 gray
VMODE_640x200x2: (=6) graphics 640 x 200, 2
VMODE_80x25BW: (=7) text 80 x 25, black&white
VMODE_320x200x16: (=13) graphics 320 x 200, 16 colors
VMODE_640x200x16: (=14) graphics 640 x 200, 16 colors
VMODE_640x350xBW: (=15) graphics 640 x 350, black&white
VMODE_640x350x16: (=16) graphics 640 x 350, 16 colors
VMODE_640x480x2: (=17) graphics 640 x 480, 2 colors
VMODE_640x480x16: (=18) graphics 640 x 480, 16 colors
VMODE_320x200x256: (=19) graphics 320 x 200, 256 colors
VMODE_NUM: (=20) number of supported
VMODE_INVALID: (=12) invalid videomode
COL_BLACK: (=0) black
COL_BLUE: (=1) blue
COL_GREEN: (=2) green
COL_CYAN: (=3) cyan
COL_RED: (=4) red
COL_MAGENTA: (=5) magenta
COL_YELLOW: (=6) yellow (brown)
COL_WHITE: (=7) white
COL_LBLACK: (=8) light black (gray)
COL_LBLUE: (=9) light blue
COL_LGREEN: (=10) light green
COL_LCYAN: (=11) light cyan
COL_LRED: (=12) light red
COL_LMAGENTA: (=13) light magenta
COL_LYELLOW: (=14) light yellow
COL_LWHITE: (=15) light white
COL_BROWN: (=COL_YELLOW) brown (dark
COL_GRAY: (=COL_LBLACK) gray (light black)
monochrome attributes:
COL_INVIS: (=0) invisible
COL_UNDER: (=1) underline
COL_NORMAL: (=7) normal
COL_INTENS: (=0Fh) intensity
COL_INVERSE: (=70h) inverse
COL_DARK: (=8) dark
color attributes:
COL_FGINT: (=B3) foreground intensity bit
COL_BLINK: (=B7) blinking bit