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General Display

; =============================================================================
;                         Litos - General display 
; =============================================================================


; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                        Enumerate standard videomodes
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	EAX = index (0..., -1 = get max. index)
;		EBX = display driver
;		EDX = videomode structure VMODE (NULL=not used)
; OUTPUT:	CY = invalid index (EAX = maximum index)
;		NC = videomode is valid (EDX structure is filled-up)
;		EAX = index or maximum index (in case of error)
; NOTES: Structure VMODE (EDX) will be filled-up (if EDX is not NULL).
;	 This function enumerates only recommended standard videomodes.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DispEnumMode:	DRVFNC	ebx,DDFB_EnumMode

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                             Test videomode
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	EBX = display driver
;		EDX = videomode structure VMODE (full dimension, display
;			dimension, font dimension, frequency and memory mode
;			entries can be set or 0 = auto)
; OUTPUT:	CY = invalid videomode
;		NC = videomode is valid (EDX structure is filled-up)
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DispTestMode:	DRVFNC	ebx,DDFB_TestMode

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                                Set videomode
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	EBX = display driver
;		EDX = videomode structure VMODE (full dimension, display
;			dimension, font dimension, frequency and memory mode
;			entries can be set or 0 = auto)
; OUTPUT:	CY = invalid videomode
;		NC = videomode is valid and set (EDX structure is filled-up)
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DispSetMode:	DRVFNC	ebx,DDFB_SetMode

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                         Clear screen and reset cursor
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	EBX = display driver
; NOTES:	It clears entire screen, sets offset to 0 and resets cursor.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DispClear:	DRVFNC	ebx,DDFB_Clear

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                              Set display offset
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	EBX = display driver
;		ECX = X coordinate of visible region of display
;		EDX = Y coordinate of visible region of display
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DispSetOffset:	DRVFNC	ebx,DDFB_SetOffset

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                            Set cursor position
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	EBX = display driver
;		ECX = cursor column
;		EDX = cursor row
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DispSetCursor:	DRVFNC	ebx,DDFB_SetCursor

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                             Set cursor size
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	EBX = display driver
;		ECX = top scan line
;		EDX = bottom scan line
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DispSetCurSize:	DRVFNC	ebx,DDFB_SetCurSize

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                            Set cursor visible
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	AL = 0 cursor off, 1 cursor on, 2 flip state
;		EBX = display driver
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DispSetVisible:	DRVFNC	ebx,DDFB_SetVisible

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                             Load text font
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	AL = font bank (0..3 for EGA, 0..7 for VGA)
;		AH = font height (1..32, 0=default)
;		EBX = display driver
;		CL = first index (0..255)
;		DL = last index (0..255, must not be lesser than first index)
;		ESI = pointer to font (character with start index)
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DispLoadFont:	DRVFNC	ebx,DDFB_LoadFont

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                            Set font bank
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	EBX = display driver
;		CL = font bank for color attribute bit 3 = 0 (0..3 or 0..7)
;		DL = font bank for color attribute bit 3 = 1 (0..3 or 0..7)
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DispSetFont:	DRVFNC	ebx,DDFB_SetFont

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                             Set border color
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	AL = border color (0..15 for 16-color or 0..255 for 256-color)
;		EBX = display driver
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DispSetBorder:	DRVFNC	ebx,DDFB_SetBorder

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                      Set CGA palette (only CGA videomode)
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	AL = palette set (0=red/green/yellow, 1=cyan/magenta/white)
;		EBX = display driver
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                              Set EGA palette
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	AL = start index (0..16, last entry is border color)
;		EBX = display driver
;		CL = stop index (0..16)
;		EDX = pointer to EGA palette (palette entry with start index)
; NOTES: EGA palettes are array of 17 bytes: B0 blue 2/3, B1 green 2/3,
;	 B2 red 2/3, B3 blue 1/3, B4 green 1/3, B5 red 1/3. Last palette entry
;	 (index 16) is border color. On VGA card EGA palette is index into
;	 VGA palette table indexed 64 to 127.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                              Set VGA palette
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	AL = start index (0..255)
;		EBX = display driver
;		CL = stop index (0..255)
;		EDX = pointer to VGA palette (palette entry with start index)
; NOTES: VGA palettes are array of byte triples: red, green and blue color
;	 components with range 0 to 63.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                              Set indexed palette
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	EAX = index table (array of bytes with value 0 to 255)
;		EBX = display driver
;		ECX = number of color entries (1 to 255)
;		EDX = pointer to VGA palette
; NOTES: VGA palettes are array of byte triples: red, green and blue color
;	 components with range 0 to 63.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DispSetPalInx:	DRVFNC	ebx,DDFB_SetPalInx

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                              Fill-up region
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	AL = color (in graphics mode) or character (in text mode)
;		AH = color attribute (only in text mode)
;		EBX = display driver
;		ECX = region width
;		EDX = region height
;		ESI = region left margin (in display area)
;		EDI = region top margin (in display area)
; NOTES: Parameters are not checked and can be used to fill-up hide regions.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DispFillUp:	DRVFNC	ebx,DDFB_FillUp

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                               Move region
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	EAX = destination offset in videomemory
;		EBX = display driver
;		ECX = region width
;		EDX = region height
;		ESI = region left margin (in display area)
;		EDI = region top margin (in display area)
; NOTES: Parameters are not checked and can be used to move in invisible area.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DispMove:	DRVFNC	ebx,DDFB_Move

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                               Get buffer size
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	EBX = display driver
;		ECX = region width
;		EDX = region height
; OUTPUT:	EAX = buffer size
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DispBufferSize:	DRVFNC	ebx,DDFB_BufferSize

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                                 Get region
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	EAX = destination buffer
;		EBX = display driver
;		ECX = region width
;		EDX = region height
;		ESI = region left margin (in display area)
;		EDI = region top margin (in display area)
; NOTES: Parameters are not checked and can be used to get hide regions.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DispGetRegion:	DRVFNC	ebx,DDFB_GetRegion

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                                 Set region
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	EAX = source buffer
;		EBX = display driver
;		ECX = region width
;		EDX = region height
;		ESI = region left margin (in display area)
;		EDI = region top margin (in display area)
; NOTES: Parameters are not checked and can be used to set hide regions.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DispSetRegion:	DRVFNC	ebx,DDFB_SetRegion

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                        Set text region with color
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	EAX = source buffer (only characters without color attributes)
;		EBX = display driver
;		ECX = region width
;		EDX = region height
;		ESI = region left margin (in display area)
;		EDI = region top margin (in display area)
;		EBP = color attribute
; NOTES: Parameters are not checked and can be used to set hide regions.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DispSetRegCol:	DRVFNC	ebx,DDFB_SetRegCol

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                         Set region with color mask
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	EAX = source buffer
;		EBX = display driver
;		ECX = region width
;		EDX = region height
;		ESI = region left margin (in display area)
;		EDI = region top margin (in display area)
;		EBP = transparent color
; NOTES: Parameters are not checked and can be used to set hide regions.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DispSetColMask:	DRVFNC	ebx,DDFB_SetColMask

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                            Set region with mask
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	EAX = source buffer with data and bit mask
;		EBX = display driver
;		ECX = region width
;		EDX = region height
;		ESI = region left margin (in display area)
;		EDI = region top margin (in display area)
; NOTES: Parameters are not checked and can be used to set hide regions.
;	 Bit mask follow after region data, one bit = 1 if point is visible.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DispSetMasked:	DRVFNC	ebx,DDFB_SetMasked

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                            Set region with alpha
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	EAX = source buffer with data and alpha
;		EBX = display driver
;		ECX = region width
;		EDX = region height
;		ESI = region left margin (in display area)
;		EDI = region top margin (in display area)
; NOTES: Parameters are not checked and can be used to set hide regions.
;	 Alpha is array of bytes in range 0 (transparent) to 255 (opaque).
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DispSetAlpha:	DRVFNC	ebx,DDFB_SetAlpha

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                      Output byte to display register
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	AL = data byte
;		CL = register number
;		EBX = display driver parameter block
; NOTES: Function takes approximately 3 us if it is not cached.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Push registers

DispOutByte:	push	ecx		; push ECX
		push	edx		; push EDX

; ------------- Check if register is already set

		movzx	ecx,cl		; ECX <- register number
		cmp	al,[ebx+DDPB_Regs+ecx] ; is register already set?
		je	DispOutByte8	; register is already set
		mov	[ebx+DDPB_Regs+ecx],al ; store byte into cache

; ------------- Select register and output data byte

		mov	edx,[ebx+DDPB_Port] ; EDX <- control port
		xchg	eax,ecx		; AL <- register, CL <- data byte
		out	dx,al		; select register
		xchg	eax,ecx		; AL <- data byte
		inc	edx		; EDX <- data port
		out	dx,al		; set data byte 

; ------------- Pop registers

DispOutByte8:	pop	edx		; pop EDX
		pop	ecx		; pop ECX

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                      Output word to display registers
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	AX = data word
;		CL = first register number (for HIGH, CL+1=register for LOW)
;		EBX = display driver parameter block
; NOTES: Function takes approximately 6 us if it is not cached.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Push registers

DispOutWord:	push	ecx		; push ECX
		push	edx		; push EDX

; ------------- Prepare registers

		movzx	ecx,cl		; ECX <- first register number
		xchg	al,ah		; AL <- data HIGH, AH <- data LOW
		mov	edx,[ebx+DDPB_Port] ; EDX <- control port

; ------------- Check if display register HIGH is already set

		cmp	al,[ebx+DDPB_Regs+ecx] ; is register already set?
		je	DispOutWord4	; register is already set
		mov	[ebx+DDPB_Regs+ecx],al ; save new register value

; ------------- Select display register HIGH and output HIGH byte

		xchg	eax,ecx		; AL <- register, CX <- data X-word
		out	dx,al		; select register HIGH
		xchg	eax,ecx		; AX <- data X-word, CL <- register
		inc	edx		; EDX <- data port
		out	dx,al		; set data byte HIGH
		dec	edx		; EDX <- control port

; ------------- Check if display register LOW is already set

DispOutWord4:	xchg	ah,al		; AL <- data LOW, AH <- data HIGH
		cmp	al,[ebx+DDPB_Regs+ecx+1] ; is register already set?
		je	DispOutWord8	; register is already set
		mov	[ebx+DDPB_Regs+ecx+1],al ; save new register value

; ------------- Select display register LOW and output LOW byte

		inc	ecx		; ECX <- register number + 1
		xchg	eax,ecx		; AL <- register+1, CX <- data word
		out	dx,al		; select register LOW
		xchg	eax,ecx		; AX <- data word, CL <- register+1
		inc	edx		; EDX <- data port
		out	dx,al		; set data byte LOW

; ------------- Pop registers

DispOutWord8:	pop	edx		; pop EDX
		pop	ecx		; pop ECX

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;            Output byte to display register with validity test
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	AL = data byte
;		CL = register number
;		EBX = display driver parameter block
; OUTPUT:	ZY = data is OK, NZ = data error
; NOTES: Function takes approximately 25 us if it is not cached.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Push registers

DispOutTest:	push	eax		; push EAX
		push	ecx		; push ECX
		push	edx		; push EDX

; ------------- Store data byte into register cache

		movzx	ecx,cl		; ECX <- register number
		mov	[ebx+DDPB_Regs+ecx],al ; store data byte into cache

; ------------- Select register and output data byte

		mov	edx,[ebx+DDPB_Port] ; EDX <- control port
		xchg	eax,ecx		; EAX <- register, CL <- data byte
		out	dx,al		; select register
		xchg	eax,ecx		; AL <- data byte, ECX <- register
		inc	edx		; EDX <- data port
		out	dx,al		; set data byte 

; ------------- Short delay (aprox. 20 us)

		mov	ah,al		; AH <- data byte
		mov	cl,14		; ECX <- 14, aprox. 20 us delay
DispOutTest2	SHORT_DELAY		; short delay (aprox. 1.5 us)
		loop	DispOutTest2	; wait
; ------------- Check data validity

		in	al,dx		; read data byte
		cmp	al,ah		; is data valid?

; ------------- Pop registers

		pop	edx		; pop EDX
		pop	ecx		; pop ECX
		pop	eax		; pop EAX

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                       Set group of display registers
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	AL = index of first register
;		EBX = display driver parameter block
;		CL = number of registers
;		EDX = pointer to group of registers to set
; NOTES: Function takes approximately CL * 3 us if it is not cached.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Push registers

DispOutReg:	push	eax		; push EAX
		push	ecx		; push ECX
		push	edx		; push EDX
		push	esi		; push ESI
		push	edi		; push EDI

; ------------- Prepare registers

		movzx	eax,al		; EAX <- index of first register
		movzx	ecx,cl		; ECX <- number of registers
		mov	esi,edx		; ESI <- pointer to registers
		lea	edi,[ebx+DDPB_Regs+eax] ; EDI <- cache of registers
		mov	edx,[ebx+DDPB_Port] ; EDX <- control port
		mov	ah,al		; AH <- index of first register

; ------------- Check if register is already set

DispOutReg2:	lodsb			; load register to set
		cmp	al,[edi]	; change register?
		je	DispOutReg6	; register is already set
		mov	[edi],al	; store new register value

; ------------- Select register and output data byte

		xchg	al,ah		; AL <- register, AH <- data byte
		out	dx,al		; select register
		inc	eax		; increase register number
		inc	edx		; EDX <- data port
		xchg	al,ah		; AL <- data byte, AH <- next register
		out	dx,al		; set data byte 
		dec	edx		; EDX <- return index port

; ------------- Next register

DispOutReg6:	inc	edi		; increase cache pointer
		loop	DispOutReg2	; next register

; ------------- Pop registers

		pop	edi		; pop EDI
		pop	esi		; pop ESI
		pop	edx		; pop EDX
		pop	ecx		; pop ECX
		pop	eax		; pop EAX

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                         Set all display registers
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	EBX = display driver parameter block
;		EDX = pointer to register array (1st byte=number of registers)
; NOTES: Function takes approximately N * 3 us if it is not cached.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Push registers

DispOutAllReg:	push	eax		; push EAX
		push	ecx		; push ECX

; ------------- Set registers

		xor	eax,eax		; AL <- 0, index of first register
		mov	cl,[edx]	; CL <- number of registers
		inc	edx		; EDX <- first register to set
		call	DispOutReg	; set registers
		dec	edx		; EDX <- return pointer to array

; ------------- Pop registers

		pop	ecx		; pop ECX
		pop	eax		; pop EAX

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                           Clear Unicode mapping
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	EBX = display driver parameter block
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Push registers

DispUniMapClr:	push	eax		; push EAX
		push	ecx		; push ECX
		push	edx		; push EDX
		push	esi		; push ESI
		push	edi		; push EDI

; ------------- Prepare registers

		mov	esi,[ebx+DDPB_FromUni] ; ESI <- mapping table
		mov	edx,FONTMAP	; EDX <- number of pages

; ------------- Get next page

DispUniMapClr2:	lodsd			; EAX <- page address
		or	eax,eax		; is page allocated?
		jz	DispUniMapClr8	; page is not allocated

; ------------- Clear page

		xchg	eax,edi		; EDI <- page address
		xor	ecx,ecx		; ECX <- 0
		xor	eax,eax		; EAX <- 0
		mov	cl,128		; ECX <- 256*2 / 4
		rep	stosd		; clear page

; ------------- Next page

DispUniMapClr8:	dec	edx		; counter of pages
		jnz	DispUniMapClr2	; next page

; ------------- Pop registers

		pop	edi		; pop EDI
		pop	esi		; pop ESI
		pop	edx		; pop EDX
		pop	ecx		; pop ECX
		pop	eax		; pop EAX

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                    Add one code into Unicode mapping
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	AX = character code (Unicode)
;		EBX = display driver parameter block
;		DX = character (character + attribute B3)
;		[ESI-2] = original character code
; NOTES: If character code is equivalent to original code, it does not check if
;	 code is already in mapping table.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Push registers

DispUniMap1Add:	push	ecx		; push ECX
		push	edi		; push EDI

; ------------- Prepare page address (-> EDI)

		movzx	edi,ah		; EDI <- page index
		shl	edi,2		; EDI <- page address offset
		add	edi,[ebx+DDPB_FromUni] ; EDI <- page address
		cmp	dword [edi],byte 0 ; is page allocated?
		jne	DispUniMap1Add4	; page is allocated

; ------------- Push registers 2

		push	eax		; push EAX
		push	ecx		; push ECX
		push	edi		; push EDI

; ------------- Allocate new page

		xor	eax,eax		; EAX <- 0
		mov	ah,2		; EAX <- 2*256
		call	SysMemAlloc	; allocate memory
		jc	DispUniMap1Add2	; memory error
		mov	[edi],eax	; store page address

; ------------- Initialize page

		xchg	eax,edi		; EDI <- page address
		xor	ecx,ecx		; ECX <- 0
		xor	eax,eax		; EAX <- 0
		mov	cl,128		; ECX <- page size / 4
		rep	stosd		; clear page

; ------------- Pop registers 2

DispUniMap1Add2:pop	edi		; pop EDI
		pop	ecx		; pop ECX
		pop	eax		; pop EAX
		jc	DispUniMap1Add8	; memory error

; ------------- Prepare entry address

DispUniMap1Add4:mov	edi,[edi]	; EDI <- entry address
		movzx	ecx,al		; ECX <- character index in page

; ------------- Check if store character code

		cmp	ax,[esi-2]	; is it original character code?
		je	DispUniMap1Add6	; store code without check
		cmp	word [edi+ecx*2],byte 0 ; is code already used?
		jne	DispUniMap1Add8	; code is already used

; ------------- Store character code

DispUniMap1Add6:mov	[edi+ecx*2],dx	; store code index

; ------------- Pop registers

DispUniMap1Add8:pop	edi		; pop EDI
		pop	ecx		; pop ECX

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                         Add one Unicode mapping
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	EBX = display driver parameter block
;		DL = character start value (0 or 128)
;		DH = attributes (0 = first bank or B3 = second bank)
;		ESI = character set (128 characters, Unicode WORD each)
;		EDI = font table FIXFONT
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Push registers

DispUniMapAdd:	pusha			; push all registers

; ------------- Prepare registers

		xor	ecx,ecx		; ECX <- 0
		mov	cl,128		; ECX <- 128, number of characters

; ------------- Load one character from charset (-> EAX)

DispUniMapAdd2:	xor	eax,eax		; EAX <- 0
		lodsw			; EAX <- load next character
		cmp	eax,FONTMAX	; check code range
		ja	DispUniMapAdd3	; invalid code

; ------------- Get font address (-> EBP)

		movzx	ebp,ah		; EBP <- font page
		shl	ebp,2		; EBP <- page address offset
		add	ebp,[edi+FIXFONT_Map] ; EBP <- mapping page
		mov	ebp,[ebp]	; EBP <- mapping page
		or	ebp,ebp		; is page allocated?
		jz	DispUniMapAdd3	; page is not allocated

; ------------- Get character address (-> EBP)

		movzx	eax,al		; EAX <- character offset
		mov	ebp,[ebp+eax*4]	; EAX <- character address
		or	ebp,ebp		; is address valid?
		jnz	DispUniMapAdd4	; address is valid

; ------------- Invalid character

DispUniMapAdd3:	mov	ebp,[edi+FIXFONT_Invalid] ; EBP <- invalid character

; ------------- Prepare registers to store character codes

DispUniMapAdd4:	push	ecx		; push ECX

		movzx	ecx,byte [ebp]	; ECX <- number of codes
		mov	ch,cl		; CH <- save flags
		and	cl,FIXFONT_MASK	; mask number of codes
		inc	ebp		; increase font pointer

; ------------- Get one code (-> AX)

DispUniMapAdd5:	mov	ax,[ebp]	; AX <- Unicode code
		inc	ebp		; increase font pointer
		inc	ebp		; increase font pointer

; ------------- Store character code

		call	DispUniMap1Add	; store one character code
		dec	cl		; decrement code counter
		jnz	short DispUniMapAdd5 ; next code

; ------------- Push registers 2

		push	esi		; push ESI
		push	edi		; push EDI
		push	edx		; push EDX
		push	ebp		; push EBP
		mov	dh,ch		; DH <- attributes

; ------------- Prepare source (-> ESI) and destination (-> EDI) address

		xor	eax,eax		; EAX <- 0
		mov	al,dl		; AL <- character value
		and	al,7fh		; mask character value
		mov	dl,[ebx+DDPB_FontH] ; DL <- font height
		mul	dl		; EAX <- destination offset
		add	eax,[ebx+DDPB_FontBuff] ; EAX <- address in buffer
		xchg	eax,edi		; EDI <- font buffer, EAX <- fixfont
		mov	esi,ebp		; ESI <- font data
		xchg	eax,ebp		; EAX <- font head, EBP <- fixfont

; ------------- Copy font data (if font is big enough)

		cmp	dl,[ebp+FIXFONT_Height] ; check font height
		ja	DispUniMapAdd51	; font is smaller
		movzx	ecx,dl		; ECX <- font height
		rep	movsb		; copy font data
		jmp	short DispUniMapAdd58

; ------------- Prepare height of margins

DispUniMapAdd51:sub	dl,[ebp+FIXFONT_Height] ; DL <- rest of lines
		shr	dl,1		; DL <- lines / 2 round down
		movzx	ecx,dl		; ECX <- rest of lines / 2
		adc	dl,0		; DL <- lines / 2 round up
		jecxz	DispUniMapAdd54	; no lines

; ------------- Initialize top lines

		xor	eax,eax		; AX <- 0
		test	dh,FIXFONT_VGRAPHT ; expand top?
		jz	DispUniMapAdd52	; don't expand top
		mov	ax,[esi]	; AX <- first 2 lines
		test	cl,1		; even lines?
		jz	DispUniMapAdd53	; even lines
DispUniMapAdd52:xchg	al,ah		; exchange lines
DispUniMapAdd53:stosb			; store one line
		loop	DispUniMapAdd52	; next line

; ------------- Copy font data (if font is smaller)

DispUniMapAdd54:mov	ecx,[ebp+FIXFONT_Height] ; ECX <- font height
		rep	movsb		; copy font data

; ------------- Initialize bottom lines

		mov	cl,dl		; CL <- lines / 2 round up
		jecxz	DispUniMapAdd58	; no lines
		xor	eax,eax		; AX <- 0
		test	dh,FIXFONT_VGRAPHB ; expand bottom?
		jz	DispUniMapAdd56	; don't expand top
		mov	ax,[esi-2]	; AX <- last 2 lines
DispUniMapAdd56:stosb			; store one line
		xchg	al,ah		; exchange lines
		loop	DispUniMapAdd56	; next line

; ------------- Pop registers 2

DispUniMapAdd58:pop	ebp		; pop EBP
		pop	edx		; pop EDX
		pop	edi		; pop EDI
		pop	esi		; pop ESI

		pop	ecx		; pop ECX

; ------------- Next character

		inc	edx		; increase character value
		dec	ecx		; decrease character counter
		jnz	DispUniMapAdd2	; next character

; ------------- Load font

		dec	edx		; DL <- last character
		mov	al,0		; AL <- 0, bank 0
		or	dh,dh		; second bank?
		jz	DispUniMapAdd6	; no, first bank
		inc	eax		; AL <- 1, second bank
DispUniMapAdd6:	mov	ah,[ebx+DDPB_FontH] ; AH <- font height
		mov	cl,dl		; CL <- last character
		sub	cl,7fh		; CL <- first character
		mov	esi,[ebx+DDPB_FontBuff] ; ESI <- font buffer
		call	DispLoadFont	; load font

; ------------- Pop registers

		popa			; pop all registers

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                             Load character set
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	EBX = display driver parameter block
;		ECX = character set table 0 to 7fh
;		EDX = character set table 80h to 0ffh
;		ESI = character set table 100h to 1ffh (NULL=none)
;		EDI = font table FIXFONT
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Clear Unicode mapping

DispLoadSet:	call	DispUniMapClr	; clear Unicode mapping

; ------------- Push registers

		pusha			; push all registers

; ------------- Load character set 100h to 17fh

		or	esi,esi		; use character set 100h to 1ffh?
		jz	DispLoadSet4	; don't use character set 100h to 1ffh

		push	edx		; push EDX
		xor	edx,edx		; EDX <- 0
		mov	dh,B3		; DH <- attribute for bank 1
		call	DispUniMapAdd	; add one Unicode mapping

; ------------- Load character set 180h to 1ffh

		add	dl,80h		; DL <- second character value
		add	esi,80h*2	; ESI <- second half of character set
		call	DispUniMapAdd	; add second Unicode mapping
		pop	edx		; pop EDX

; ------------- Load character set 80h to 0ffh

DispLoadSet4:	mov	esi,edx		; ESI <- character set 80h to 0ffh
		xor	edx,edx		; EDX <- 0
		mov	dl,80h		; DL <- second character value
		call	DispUniMapAdd	; add second Unicode mapping

; ------------- Load character set 0 to 80h

		mov	esi,ecx		; ESI <- character set 0 to 80h
		xor	edx,edx		; EDX <- 0
		call	DispUniMapAdd	; add first Unicode mapping

; ------------- Pop registers

		popa			; pop all registers

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                       Map Unicode character into display code
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	EAX = Unicode character
;		EBX = display driver parameter block
;		EDX = invalid character
; OUTPUT:	EAX = display character (EAX <- EDX on invalid cahracter)
;			AL = display character (0 to 255)
;			AH = attributes (0 = bank 0, B3 = bank 1)
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

DispMapChar:	push	ecx		; push ECX
		cmp	eax,FONTMAX	; check maximal character value
		ja	DispMapChar4	; invalid character

		movzx	ecx,ah		; ECX <- character page
		shl	ecx,2		; ECX <- page offset
		add	ecx,[ebx+DDPB_FromUni] ; ECX <- page address
		mov	ecx,[ecx]	; ECX <- page address
		jecxz	DispMapChar4	; invalid page

		movzx	eax,al		; EAX <- character offset
		mov	ax,[ecx+eax*2]	; EAX <- load character
		or	eax,eax		; is character valid?
		jnz	DispMapChar6	; character is valid

DispMapChar4:	mov	eax,edx		; EAX <- invalid character
DispMapChar6:	pop	ecx		; pop EAX

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                                   Data
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


; ------------- IBM PC character set 0 to 7fh

		align	4, db 0
DispCharTab:	dw	   0h, 263ah, 263bh, 2665h, 2666h, 2663h, 2660h, 2022h 
		dw	25d8h, 25cbh, 25d9h, 2642h, 2640h, 266ah, 266bh, 263ch
		dw	25b6h, 25c0h, 2195h, 203ch,  0b6h,  0a7h, 25ach, 21a8h
		dw	2191h, 2193h, 2192h, 2190h, 221fh, 2194h, 25b2h, 25bch
		INCW	20h, 7eh
		dw	2302h

; ------------- Multipage character set - Latin (for 512-character display)
; Warning: Characters C0h-DFh can have duplicated last column (9-point font).
; Supported code pages:
;	1: DEC VT100
;	437: IBM-437 (United States)
;	737: IBM-737 (Greek)
;	775: IBM-775 (Baltic)
;	850: IBM-850 (Latin 1 West Europe)
;	852: IBM-852 (Latin 2 Cent.Europe)
;	857: IBM-857 (Turkish)
;	858: IBM-858 (Latin 1 + Euro)
;	860: IBM-860 (Portuguese)
;	861: IBM-861 (Icelandic)
;	863: IBM-863 (French Canadian)
;	865: IBM-865 (Nordic)
;	869: IBM-869 (Modern Greek)
;	895: IBM-895 (Kamenickych, Czech)
;	1250: Windows-1250 (Central Europe)
;	1252: Windows-1252 (Latin 1 Windows)
;	1253: Windows-1253 (Greek)
;	1254: Windows-1254 (Turkish)
;	1257: Windows-1257 (Baltic)
;	1258: Windows-1258 (Vietnam)
;	28591: ISO 8859-1 (Latin 1)
;	28592: ISO 8859-2 (Latin 2)
;	28593: ISO 8859-3 (Latin 3)
;	28594: ISO 8859-4 (Baltic)
;	28597: ISO 8859-7 (Greek)
;	28599: ISO 8859-9 (Turkish)
;	28605: ISO 8859-15 (Latin 9)

DispCharTabLat:			; 0 to 0fh
		dw	 0a4h,  0a6h,  0a8h,  0a9h,  0adh,  0aeh,  0afh,  0b1h
		dw	 0b3h,  0b4h,  0b8h,  0b9h,  0beh,  0c0h,  0c1h,  0c2h
				; 10h to 1fh
		dw	 0c3h,  0c8h,  0cah,  0cbh,  0cch,  0cdh,  0ceh,  0cfh
		dw	 0d0h,  0d2h,  0d3h,  0d4h,  0d5h,  0d7h,  0d8h,  0d9h
				; 20h to 2fh
		dw	 0dah,  0dbh,  0ddh,  0deh,  0dfh,  0e3h,  0f0h,  0f5h
		dw	 0f7h,  0f8h,  0fdh,  0feh,  100h,  101h,  102h,  103h
				; 30h to 3fh
		INCW	104h, 10bh
		dw	 10ch,  10dh,  10eh,  10fh,  111h,  112h,  113h,  116h
				; 40h to 4fh
		INCW	117h, 126h
				; 50h to 5fh
		dw	 127h,  128h,  129h,  12ah,  12bh,  12eh,  12fh,  130h
		dw	 131h,  134h,  135h,  136h,  137h,  138h,  139h,  13ah
				; 60h to 6fh
		dw	 13bh,  13ch,  13dh,  13eh,  141h,  142h,  143h,  144h
		dw	 145h,  146h,  147h,  148h,  14ah,  14bh,  14ch,  14dh
				; 70h to 7fh
		INCW	150h, 15fh
				; 80h to 8fh
		INCW	160h, 16fh
				; 90h to 9fh
		dw	 170h,  171h,  172h,  173h,  178h,  179h,  17ah,  17bh
		dw	 17ch,  17dh,  17eh,  192h,  1a0h,  1a1h,  1afh,  1b0h
				; 0a0h to 0afh
		dw	 2c6h,  2c7h,  2d8h,  2d9h,  2dbh,  2dch,  2ddh,  309h
		dw	 323h,  385h,  386h,  388h,  389h,  38ah,  38ch,  38eh
				; 0b0h to 0bfh
		dw	 38fh,  390h,  393h,  394h,  396h,  398h,  39bh,  39eh
		dw	 3a0h,  3a3h,  3a6h,  3a8h,  3a9h,  3ach,  3adh,  3b0h
				; ------------- start of graphic area
				; 0c0h to 0cfh
		dw	 3aeh,  3afh,  3b2h,  3b6h,  3b7h,  3b8h,  3b9h,  3beh
		dw	 3c1h,  3c2h,  3cah, 2013h, 2014h, 2017h, 2018h, 2019h
				; 0d0h to 0dfh
		dw	201ah, 201ch, 201dh, 201eh, 2020h, 2021h, 2039h, 203ah
		dw	20abh, 20ach, 23bah, 23bbh, 23bch, 23bdh,     0,     0
				; ------------- end of graphic area
				; 0e0h to 0efh
		dw	 3b3h,  3bbh,  3c5h,  3c7h,  3c8h,  3c9h,  3cbh,  3cdh
		dw	 3ceh, 2026h, 2030h, 2122h, 2260h, 2409h, 240ah, 240bh
				; 0f0h to 0ffh
		dw	240ch, 240dh, 2424h, 25c6h,     0,     0,     0,     0
		dw	    0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0,     0

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