; =============================================================================
; Litos - General display
; =============================================================================
; ------------- Standard PC colors
COL_BLACK EQU 0 ; black
COL_BLUE EQU 1 ; blue
COL_GREEN EQU 2 ; green
COL_CYAN EQU 3 ; cyan
COL_RED EQU 4 ; red
COL_MAGENTA EQU 5 ; magenta
COL_YELLOW EQU 6 ; yellow (brown)
COL_WHITE EQU 7 ; white
COL_LBLACK EQU 8 ; light black (gray)
COL_LBLUE EQU 9 ; light blue
COL_LGREEN EQU 10 ; light green
COL_LCYAN EQU 11 ; light cyan
COL_LRED EQU 12 ; light red
COL_LMAGENTA EQU 13 ; light magenta
COL_LYELLOW EQU 14 ; light yellow
COL_LWHITE EQU 15 ; light white
COL_BROWN EQU COL_YELLOW ; brown (dark yellow)
COL_GRAY EQU COL_LBLACK ; gray (light black)
; ------------- Monochrome attributes
COL_INVIS EQU 00h ; invisible
COL_UNDER EQU 01h ; underline
COL_NORMAL EQU 07h ; normal
COL_INTENS EQU 0fh ; intensity
COL_INVERSE EQU 70h ; inverse
COL_DARK EQU 08h ; dark
; ------------- Color attributes
COL_FGINT EQU B3 ; foreground intensity bit
COL_CHAR2 EQU COL_FGINT ; alternate charset
COL_BLINK EQU B7 ; blinking bit
COL_BGINT EQU COL_BLINK ; background intensity bit
; ------------- Position
POS_X: resd 1 ; 0: horizontal position
POS_Y: resd 1 ; 4: vertical position
endstruc ; size 8 bytes
; ------------- Dimension
DIM_W: resd 1 ; 0: width
DIM_H: resd 1 ; 4: height
endstruc ; size 8 bytes
; ------------- Area
struc AREA
AREA_Pos: resb POSITION_size ; 0: area position
AREA_Dim: resb DIMENSION_size ; 8: area dimension
endstruc ; size 16 bytes
AREA_X EQU AREA_Pos+POS_X ; area left
AREA_Y EQU AREA_Pos+POS_Y ; area top
AREA_W EQU AREA_Dim+DIM_W ; area width
AREA_H EQU AREA_Dim+DIM_H ; area height
; ------------- Extended area
struc AREAX
resb AREA_size ; 0: area position and dimension
AREA_End: resb POSITION_size ; 10h: area end position + 1
; (end = position + dimension)
endstruc ; size 18h = 24 bytes
AREA_X2 EQU AREA_End+POS_X ; area right+1
AREA_Y2 EQU AREA_End+POS_Y ; area bottom+1
; ------------- Videomode
struc VMODE
VMODE_VirtDim: resb DIMENSION_size ; 0: virtual dimension (0=auto)
VMODE_DispDim: resb DIMENSION_size ; 8: display dimension (0=auto)
VMODE_FontDim: resb DIMENSION_size ; 10h: text font dimension (0=auto)
VMODE_Freq: resd 1 ; 18h: vertical frequency [Hz] (0=auto)
VMODE_MemMode: resb 1 ; 1Ch: memory mode (see below, 0=auto)
VMODE_BitsPoint:resb 1 ; 1Dh: total bits per point
VMODE_BitsPlane:resb 1 ; 1Eh: bits per point in one plane
VMODE_Planes: resb 1 ; 1Fh: color planes
VMODE_BaseAddr: resd 1 ; 20h: videomemory base address
VMODE_DispSize: resd 1 ; 24h: size of display page
VMODE_MaxOff: resd 1 ; 28h: maximal offset of display page
VMODE_ScanLine: resd 1 ; 2Ch: bytes per scan line
VMODE_PlaneSize:resd 1 ; 30h: size of one plane (bytes)
VMODE_Port: resd 1 ; 34h: control port (+1=data port)
endstruc ; size 38h = 56 bytes
VMODE_VirtW EQU VMODE_VirtDim+DIM_W ; virtual width
VMODE_VirtH EQU VMODE_VirtDim+DIM_H ; virtual height
VMODE_W EQU VMODE_DispDim+DIM_W ; display width
VMODE_H EQU VMODE_DispDim+DIM_H ; display heigh
VMODE_FontW EQU VMODE_FontDim+DIM_W ; text font width
VMODE_FontH EQU VMODE_FontDim+DIM_H ; text font height
; ------------- Memory mode
VMODE_TEXT EQU 1 ; simple text (1 byte, without color)
VMODE_TEXTMONO EQU 2 ; monochrome text mode (2 bytes)
VMODE_TEXTCOLOR EQU 3 ; color text mode (2 bytes)
VMODE_1BIT EQU 4 ; 2 colors, 1 bit
VMODE_2BIT EQU 5 ; 4 colors, 2 bits
VMODE_2BITN EQU 6 ; 4 colors, 1 bit, 2 planes (no-stand.)
VMODE_3BITN EQU 7 ; 8 colors, 1 bit, 3 planes (no-stand.)
VMODE_4BIT EQU 8 ; 16 colors, 1 bit, 4 planes
VMODE_4BITN EQU 9 ; 16 colors, 4 bit (no-stand.)
VMODE_8BIT EQU 10 ; 256 colors, 8 bits
VMODE_8BITN EQU 11 ; 256 colors, 1 byt, 8 planes (no-std.)
VMODE_15BIT EQU 12 ; 32K colors, 2 bytes (B5, G5, R5)
VMODE_15BITA EQU 13 ; 32K colors, 2 bytes (B5, G5, R5, A1)
VMODE_16BIT EQU 14 ; 64K colors, 2 bytes (B5, G6, R5)
VMODE_24BIT EQU 15 ; True-Color, 3 bytes (B8, G8, R8)
VMODE_32BIT EQU 16 ; True-Color, 4 bytes (B8, G8, R8)
VMODE_32BITA EQU 17 ; True-Color, 4 bytes (B8, G8, R8, A8)
; ------------- Display driver function block
; Driver may modify entries after setting videomode.
struc DDFB
resb DFB_size ; 0: driver function block
DDFB_EnumMode: resd 1 ; 14h: function - enumerate videomodes
; INPUT: EAX = index (0...)
; EBX = display driver
; EDX = videomode struc.,
; NULL=not used
; OUTPUT: CY = invalid index,
; EAX = max. index
; NC = videomode struc.
; is filled up
; EAX = index/max.index
DDFB_TestMode: resd 1 ; 18h: function - test videomode
; INPUT: EBX = display driver
; EDX = videomode struc.
; (full dim., disp.dim.,
; font dimension, freq.
; and mem. mode can be
; set or 0=auto)
; OUTPUT: CY = invalid mode
; NC = videomode struc.
; is filled up
DDFB_SetMode: resd 1 ; 1Ch: function - set videomode
; INPUT: EBX = display driver
; EDX = videomode struc.
; (full dim., disp.dim.,
; font dimension, freq.
; and mem. mode can be
; set or 0=auto)
; OUTPUT: CY = invalid mode
; NC = videomode struc.
; is filled up
DDFB_Clear: resd 1 ; 20h: function - clear screen+reset
; INPUT: EBX = display driver
DDFB_SetOffset: resd 1 ; 24h: function - set display offset
; INPUT: EBX = display driver
; ECX = display X coord.
; EDX = display Y coord.
DDFB_SetCursor: resd 1 ; 28h: function - set cursor position
; INPUT: EBX = display driver
; ECX = cursor column
; EDX = cursor row
DDFB_SetCurSize:resd 1 ; 2Ch: function - set cursor size
; INPUT: EBX = display driver
; ECX = top scan line
; EDX = bottom scan line
DDFB_SetVisible:resd 1 ; 30h: function - set cursor visible
; INPUT: AL = 0 off,1 on,2 flip
; EBX = display driver
DDFB_LoadFont: resd 1 ; 34h: function - load text font
; INPUT: AL = bank (0...)
; AH = font height(0=def)
; EBX = display driver
; CL = first index
; DL = last index
; ESI = font
DDFB_SetFont: resd 1 ; 38h: function - set font bank
; INPUT: EBX = display driver
; CL = bank for attr3=0
; DL = bank for attr3=1
DDFB_SetBorder: resd 1 ; 3Ch: function - set border color
; INPUT: AL = border color
; EBX = display driver
DDFB_SetPalCGA: resd 1 ; 40h: function - set CGA palette
; INPUT: AL = CGA palette
; 0 = blue off
; 1 = blue on
; EBX = display driver
DDFB_SetPalEGA: resd 1 ; 44h: function - set EGA palette
; INPUT: AL = start index 0..16
; EBX = display driver
; CL = stop index 0..16
; EDX = EGA palettes
DDFB_SetPalVGA: resd 1 ; 48h: function - set VGA palette
; INPUT: AL = start index
; EBX = display driver
; CL = stop index
; EDX = VGA palette
DDFB_SetPalInx: resd 1 ; 4Ch: function - set indexed palette
; INPUT: EAX = index table
; EBX = display driver
; ECX = number of entries
; EDX = VGA palette
DDFB_FillUp: resd 1 ; 50h: function - fill-up region
; INPUT: AL = color or character
; AH = color (text mode)
; EBX = display driver
; ECX = region width
; EDX = region height
; ESI = region left
; EDI = region top
DDFB_Move: resd 1 ; 54h: function - move region
; INPUT: EAX = dest. offset
; EBX = display driver
; ECX = region width
; EDX = region height
; ESI = region left
; EDI = region top
DDFB_BufferSize:resd 1 ; 58h: function - get buffer size
; INPUT: EBX = display driver
; ECX = region width
; EDX = region height
; OUTPUT: EAX = buffer size
DDFB_GetRegion: resd 1 ; 5Ch: function - get region
; INPUT: EAX = dest. buffer
; EBX = display driver
; ECX = region width
; EDX = region height
; ESI = region left
; EDI = region top
DDFB_SetRegion: resd 1 ; 60h: function - set region
; INPUT: EAX = source buffer
; EBX = display driver
; ECX = region width
; EDX = region height
; ESI = region left
; EDI = region top
DDFB_SetRegCol: resd 1 ; 64h: function - set region with color
; INPUT: EAX = source buffer
; EBX = display driver
; ECX = region width
; EDX = region height
; ESI = region left
; EDI = region top
; EBP = color
DDFB_SetColMask:resd 1 ; 68h: function - set reg.with col.mask
; INPUT: EAX = buffer
; EBX = display driver
; ECX = region width
; EDX = region height
; ESI = region left
; EDI = region top
; EBP = transparent color
DDFB_SetMasked: resd 1 ; 6Ch: function - set region with mask
; INPUT: EAX = buffer + bit mask
; EBX = display driver
; ECX = region width
; EDX = region height
; ESI = region left
; EDI = region top
DDFB_SetAlpha: resd 1 ; 70h: function - set region with alpha
; INPUT: EAX = buffer + alpha
; EBX = display driver
; ECX = region width
; EDX = region height
; ESI = region left
; EDI = region top
resd 1
endstruc ; size 78h = 120 bytes
; ------------- Display driver parameter block
DISPMAXREG EQU 30h ; maximal number of display registers
struc DDPB
resb DPB_size ; 0: driver parameter block
DDPB_Flags: resd 1 ; 40h: flags (see below)
DDPB_MemSize: resd 1 ; 44h: total videomemory size
DDPB_CurPos: resb POSITION_size ; 48h: text cursor position X
DDPB_CurSizeT: resd 1 ; 50h: cursor size - top scan line
DDPB_CurSizeB: resd 1 ; 54h: cursor size - bottom scan line
DDPB_Offset: resb POSITION_size ; 58h: current display offset
DDPB_Addr: resd 1 ; 60h: current display address
DDPB_FromUni: resd 1 ; 64h: mapping table from Unicode
DDPB_FontBuff: resd 1 ; 68h: font buffer (128*32 = 4 KB)
resd 1 ; 6Ch: ...padding
DDPB_VMode: resb VMODE_size ; 70h: current videomode
DDPB_Regs: resb DISPMAXREG ; 0A8h: cache of display registers
endstruc ; size 0D8h = 216 bytes
DDPB_CurPosX EQU DDPB_CurPos+POS_X ; cursor position X
DDPB_CurPosY EQU DDPB_CurPos+POS_Y ; cursor position Y
DDPB_OffX EQU DDPB_Offset+POS_X ; display offset X
DDPB_OffY EQU DDPB_Offset+POS_Y ; display offset Y
DDPB_VirtW EQU DDPB_VMode+VMODE_VirtW ; virtual width (0=auto)
DDPB_VirtH EQU DDPB_VMode+VMODE_VirtH ; virtual height (0=auto)
DDPB_W EQU DDPB_VMode+VMODE_W ; display width (0=auto)
DDPB_H EQU DDPB_VMode+VMODE_H ; display height (0=auto)
DDPB_FontW EQU DDPB_VMode+VMODE_FontW ; text font width (0=auto)
DDPB_FontH EQU DDPB_VMode+VMODE_FontH ; text font height (0=auto)
DDPB_Freq EQU DDPB_VMode+VMODE_Freq ; vert. frequency [Hz] (0=auto)
DDPB_MemMode EQU DDPB_VMode+VMODE_MemMode ; memory mode
DDPB_BitsPoint EQU DDPB_VMode+VMODE_BitsPoint ; total bits per point
DDPB_BitsPlane EQU DDPB_VMode+VMODE_BitsPlane ; bits per point in 1 plane
DDPB_Planes EQU DDPB_VMode+VMODE_Planes ; color planes
DDPB_BaseAddr EQU DDPB_VMode+VMODE_BaseAddr ; videomemory base address
DDPB_DispSize EQU DDPB_VMode+VMODE_DispSize ; size of display page
DDPB_MaxOff EQU DDPB_VMode+VMODE_MaxOff ; maximal offset of disp. page
DDPB_ScanLine EQU DDPB_VMode+VMODE_ScanLine ; bytes per scan line
DDPB_PlaneSize EQU DDPB_VMode+VMODE_PlaneSize ; size of one plane
DDPB_Port EQU DDPB_VMode+VMODE_Port ; control port
; ------------- Display driver flags
DDPB_CURON EQU B0 ; cursor is on
DDPB_CANTEXT EQU B1 ; can use text videomodes
DDPB_CANGRAPH EQU B2 ; can use graphic videomodes
DDPB_CANFONT EQU B3 ; can set fonts
DDFB_VGA EQU B4 ; card is VGA compatible
; ------------- Fixed font
FIXFONT_Width: resd 1 ; 0: character width
FIXFONT_Height: resd 1 ; 4: character height
FIXFONT_Map: resd 1 ; 8: mapping from Unicode to address
FIXFONT_Invalid:resd 1 ; 0Ch: pointer to invalid character
FIXFONT_End: resd 1 ; 10h: end of font data
FIXFONT_Data: ; 14h: start of font data
; - (1) number of Unicode codes
; - N*(2) Unicode code
; - font data
endstruc ; size 20 bytes
FIXFONT_MASK EQU B0+B1+B2+B3+B4 ; mask of number of Unicode codes
FIXFONT_VGRAPHT EQU B5 ; expand vertical graphics top
FIXFONT_VGRAPHB EQU B6 ; expand vertical graphics bottom