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Initialization, Real Mode

; =============================================================================
;                     Litos - Initialization, real mode
; =============================================================================


%ifdef MINI
MINRAM		EQU	512*1024	; minimal RAM required (512 KB)
MINRAM		EQU	2*1024*1024	; minimal RAM required (2 MB)

; ------------- Macro - short delay (roughly 1.5 microsecond)
; Alternatives of dummy ports:
;	80h: AT diagnostic port used by Linux for short delay
;	0ebh: dummy port used by some BIOSes for short delays
;	0edh: dummy port used by some BIOSes for short delays

%define		SHORT_DELAY	out 80h,al

BootSystemStack	EQU	Start		; boot system stack

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                 Initialization (jump here from LITOS.ASM)
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	DL = boot disk
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Init data segment and init stack (below start of kernel)

Start16:	mov	ax,cs		; AX <- CS
		mov	ds,ax		; DS <- CS
		mov	ss,ax		; SS <- CS (it disables interrupts)
		mov	sp,BootSystemStack ; SP <- init stack

; ------------- Store boot disk

		mov	[BootDisk],dl	; store boot disk

; ------------- Debug clear screen
%ifdef DEBUG
		mov	ah,0fh		; AH <- function code
		call	Int10		; get initial videomode
		and	ax,7fh		; reset bit 7, AH <- function code 0
		call	Int10		; clear screen
; ------------- Display intro message

		mov	si,BootMessage	; SI <- intro message
		call	BIOSDispText	; display intro message

; ------------- Check if CPU is at least 386

		pushf			; push flags
		pushf			; push flags
		pop	ax		; AX <- flags
		mov	cx,ax		; CX <- push original flags
		xor	ax,B14		; change bit 14 (NT flag)
		push	ax		; push AX
		popf			; flags <- AX
		pushf			; push new flags
		pop	ax		; pop AX <- new flags
		popf			; pop original flags
		xor	ax,cx		; test changed bits
		and	ax,B14		; can bit 14 be changed?
		jnz	InitCPU_OK	; bit 14 can be changed
		mov	si,CPUMessage	; SI <- error message
InitError:	call	BIOSDispText	; display error message
InitHalt:	hlt			; halt system
		jmp	short InitHalt	; system halted

; ------------- Get low memory (below 1 MB)

InitCPU_OK:	int	12h		; get low memory
		and	ax,~((PAGE_SIZE-1)>>10) ; mask to page align
		mov	[LowMemory],ax	; low memory in KB

; ------------- Check low memory

		mov	si,MemMessage	; SI <- error message
		mov	edx,KernelEnd	; EDX <- end of kernel
		shr	edx,10		; convert to KB
		cmp	ax,dx		; check memory end
InitError2:	jb	InitError	; error, insufficient memory

; ------------- Clear uninitialized data

		mov	edx,BSSStart-SYSTEM_ADDR ; EDX <- start of BSS
		shr	edx,4		; EDX <- segment of BSS start
		mov	es,dx		; ES <- segment of BSS start
		xor	di,di		; DI <- 0, offset of BSS start
		cld			; direction up
		xor	ax,ax		; AX <- 0
		mov	bx,(BSSEnd-BSSStart)/10000h+1 ; number of 64 KB parts
		jmp	short InitClear2
InitClear:	mov	cx,8000h	; CX <- 64 KB/2
		rep	stosw		; clear uninitialized data
		add	dx,1000h	; increase addres by 64 KB
		mov	es,dx		; ES <- new segment
InitClear2	dec	bx		; number of 64 KB parts
		jnz	InitClear	; next 64 KB part
		mov	cx,((BSSEnd-BSSStart) & 0ffffh)/2 ; ECX <- data size/4
		rep	stosw		; clear rest of data

; ------------- Load BIOS equipment list

		xor	eax,eax		; EAX <- 0
		int	11h		; load BIOS equipment list
		mov	[BIOSEquip],eax	; store BIOS equipment list

; ------------- Init keyboard (set maximal repeat rate)

		mov	ax,305h		; AX <- function code, set repeat rate
		xor	bx,bx		; BX <- 0 max. repeat rate
		int	16h		; set repeat rate

; ------------- Load BIOS configuration

		mov	ah,0c0h		; AH <- function code
		stc			; preset carry flag
		int	15h		; get BIOS configuration
		jc	InitCfgErr	; error
		push	ds		; push DS
		push	ds		; push DS
		push	es		; push ES
		pop	ds		; DS <- table segment
		pop	es		; ES <- data segment
		mov	si,bx		; SI <- table
		cld			; direction up
		lodsw			; AX <- load length of table
		cmp	ax,byte 8	; maximal length
		jb	InitCfg8	; length is OK
		mov	ax,8		; limit length
InitCfg8:	xchg	ax,cx		; CX <- length of table
		mov	di,BIOSCfg	; DI <- BIOS config table
		rep	movsb		; store talbe
		pop	ds		; pop DS

; ------------- Initialize graphics card (INIT\INIT_GRA.ASM)

InitCfgErr:	call	InitCard	; initialize graphics card

; ------------- Initialize hard drives (INIT\INIT_HD.ASM)

		call	InitHD		; initialize hard drives

; ------------- Initialize memory (INIT\INIT_MEM.ASM)

		call	InitMem		; initialize memory

; ------------- Check total memory

		mov	si,Mem2Message	; SI <- error message
		cmp	dword [TotalMemory],MINRAM ; minimum 2 MB (512 KB)
InitError3:	jb	short InitError2 ; error, insufficient memory

; ------------- Check if memory is big enough
; It requires:
; - kernel size
; - (4 bytes + aprox. 60 bytes) per 4 KB page, i.e. max/4k*64=max/64
; - 45 KB for character conversion tables
; - 16 KB for floppy disk DMA buffer
; - 1/2 of minimal memory as free

		mov	eax,[MemoryMax]	; EAX <- end of physical memory
		shr	eax,6		; required memory for page tables
		add	eax,KernelEnd-SYSTEM_ADDR+46080+16384+MINRAM/2; reserve
		cmp	[TotalMemory],eax ; check available memory
		jb	InitError3	; error, insufficient memory

; ------------- Initialize random generator

		xor	ax,ax		; AX <- 0
		mov	es,ax		; ES <- 0
		mov	ax,[es:46ch]	; AX <- timer LOW
		add	[RandSeed],ax	; random seed LOW
		mov	ax,[es:46ch+2]	; AX <- timer HIGH
		adc	[RandSeed+2],ax	; random seed HIGH

; ------------- Initialize advanced power management (INIT\INIT_APM.ASM)

		call	InitAPM		; init advanced power management

; ------------- Disable interrupts before entering protected mode

		cli			; disable interrupts
		mov	al,B7+13	; AL <- bit 7 + register R/O 13
		out	70h,al		; disable NMI

; ------------- Enable A20 address line gate (INIT\INIT_A20.ASM)

		call	InitA20		; enable A20 address line gate

; ------------- Disable all interrupts

		mov	al,0ffh		; AL <- interrupt mask
		out	0a1h,al		; disable all interrupts
		call	ShortDelay	; short delay
		mov	al,~B2		; AL <- int. mask except #2 controller
		out	21h,al		; disable all interrupts
		cli			; interrupts must be realy disabled

; ------------- Reset math coprocessor

		mov	al,0		; AL <- 0
		out	0f0h,al		; clear busy latch
		call	ShortDelay	; short delay
		out	0f1h,al		; coprocessor reset

; ------------- Load boot interrupt descriptor table

		lidt	[BootIDT]	; load boot interrupt descriptor table

; ------------- Load boot global descriptor table

		lgdt	[BootGDT]	; load boot global descriptor table

; ------------- Switch on protected mode bit

		mov	eax,cr0		; EAX <- CR0 control register
		or	al,1		; set protected mode bit ON
		mov	cr0,eax		; set new CR0 control register
		jmp	short FlushInsPE; flush instruction queue

; ------------- Jump to protected mode (update CS reg., ->INIT\INIT_32.ASM)

FlushInsPE:	jmp	dword SYSTEM_CS:Start32-SYSTEM_ADDR

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;      Short delay (uses I/O port - less depends on CPU speed than "jump")
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Alternatives of dummy ports:
;	80h: AT diagnostic port used by Linux for short delay
;	0ebh: dummy port used by some BIOSes for short delays
;	0edh: dummy port used by some BIOSes for short delays
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

ShortDelay:	SHORT_DELAY		; short delay (uses AT diagnostic port)

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                                   Data
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


; ------------- Messages

BootMessage:	db	13,10,'Litos v'
		db	VER_MAJOR + "0"
		db	'.'
		db	(VER_MINOR / 10) + "0",
		db	(VER_MINOR % 10) + "0"
%ifdef MINI
		db	' MINI'
		db	' loading...'
CRLFMessage:	db	13,10,0

CPUMessage:	db	'Error: Intel 386 or higher required!',0

MemMessage:	db	'Error: Insufficient low memory to run system!',0

%ifdef MINI
Mem2Message:	db	'Error: Minimal 512 KB of RAM required!',0
Mem2Message:	db	'Error: Minimal 2 MB of RAM required!',0

; ------------- Int 11h - BIOS equipment list

		align	4, db 0
BIOSEquip:	dd	0		; BIOS equipment list
					;   B0: floppy installed (B6-B7 valid)
					;   B1: 80x87 coprocessor installed
					;   B2: PS/2 mouse installed
					;   B4-B5: initial video mode
					;	0=EGA or VGA
					;	1=40x25 color
					;	2=80x25 color
					;	3=80x25 mono
					;   B6-B7: number of floppies - 1
					;   B8: DMA support installed
					;   B9-B11: number of serial ports
					;   B12: game port installed
					;   B13: serial printed installed
					;   B14-B15: number of parallel ports
					;   B23: page tables set for Weitek
					;   B24: Weitek coprocessor present

; ------------- BIOS configuration

		align	8, db 0
BIOSCfgModel:	db	0fch		; PC model
BIOSCfgSubModel:db	2		; PC sub model
BIOSCfgRevision:db	0		; BIOS revision
BIOSCfgFlags1:	db	0		; feature flags 1
					;   B0: system has dual bus MCA+ISA
					;   B1: MCA bus instead of ISA
					;   B2: extended BIOS area allocated
					;   B3: wait for ext. event supported
					;   B4: Int 15h/4Fh called upon Int 09h
					;   B5: Real-Time Clock installed
					;   B6: 2nd 8259 installed
					;   B7: DMA channel 3 used by HD BIOS
BIOSCfgFlags2:	db	0		; feature flags 2
					;   B1: data streaming supported
					;   B2: non-8042 keyboard controller
					;   B3: Int 15h/0C8h supported
					;   B4: Int 15h/0C7h supported
					;   B5: Int 15h/0C6h supported
					;   B6: Int 16h/09h supported
					;   B7: 32-bit DMA supported
BIOSCfgFlags3:	db	0		; feature flags 3
					;   B0: SCSI supported in IML
					;   B1: IML system (BIOS from disk)
					;   B2: information panel installed
					;   B3: SCSI supported on sys. board
					;   B4: POST supports ROM-RAM enable
BIOSCfgFlags4:	db	0		; feature flags 4
					;   B0: POSTEXT directly supported
					;   B1: 16M memory split supported
					;   B3-B5: ABIOS presence
					;	1=not supported
					;	2=supported in ROM
					;	3=supported in RAM
					;   B6: system has EEPROM
BIOSCfgFlags5:	db	0		; feature flags 5
					;   B0: flash EPROM
					;   B1: system has enhanced mouse mode

; ------------- Boot interrupt descriptor table

		align	4, db 0
		dw	0		; align
BootIDT:	dw	0		; IDT size limit
		dd	0		; IDT base address

; ------------- Boot global descriptor table (used as pattern for SystemGDITab)

		align	8, db 0
				; --- 0: reserved by CPU
		times	GLDT_size db 0	; GDT reserved by CPU

				; --- 1: system 4GB code descriptor
		dw	0ffffh		; segment limit (bits 0 to 15)
		dw	0		; base address (bits 0 to 15)
		db	0		; base address (bits 16 to 23)
		db	B1+B3+B4+B7	; access (code, read, present, level 0)
		db	0fh + B6+B7	; limit 16-19, flags: 32-bit, 4 KB
		db	0		; base address (bits 24 to 31)

				; --- 2: system 4GB data descriptor
		dw	0ffffh		; segment limit (bits 0 to 15)
		dw	0		; base address (bits 0 to 15)
		db	0		; base address (bits 16 to 23)
		db	B1+B4+B7	; access (data, write, present,level 0)
		db	0fh + B6+B7	; limit 16-19, flags: 32-bit, 4 KB
		db	0		; base address (bits 24 to 31)

				; --- 3: user 4GB code descriptor
		dw	0ffffh		; segment limit (bits 0 to 15)
		dw	0		; base address (bits 0 to 15)
		db	0		; base address (bits 16 to 23)
		db	B1+B3+B4+B5+B6+B7; access (code, read, present,level 3)
		db	0fh + B6+B7	; limit 16-19, flags: 32-bit, 4 KB
		db	0		; base address (bits 24 to 31)

				; --- 4: user 4GB data descriptor
		dw	0ffffh		; segment limit (bits 0 to 15)
		dw	0		; base address (bits 0 to 15)
		db	0		; base address (bits 16 to 23)
		db	B1+B4+B5+B6+B7	; access (data, write, present,level 3)
		db	0fh + B6+B7	; limit 16-19, flags: 32-bit, 4 KB
		db	0		; base address (bits 24 to 31)

				; --- 5: PNP 64K 32b code desriptor
		dw	0ffffh		; segment limit (bits 0 to 15)
		dw	0		; base address (bits 0 to 15)
		db	0		; base address (bits 16 to 23)
		db	B1+B3+B4+B7	; access (code, read, present, level 0)
		db	B6		; limit 16-19, flags: 32-bit, 1 Byte
		db	0		; base address (bits 24 to 31)

				; --- 6: PNP 64K 16b code desriptor
		dw	0ffffh		; segment limit (bits 0 to 15)
		dw	0		; base address (bits 0 to 15)
		db	0		; base address (bits 16 to 23)
		db	B1+B3+B4+B7	; access (code, read, present, level 0)
		db	0		; limit 16-19, flags: 16-bit, 1 Byte
		db	0		; base address (bits 24 to 31)

				; --- 7: PNP 64K 16b data desriptor
		dw	0ffffh		; segment limit (bits 0 to 15)
		dw	0		; base address (bits 0 to 15)
		db	0		; base address (bits 16 to 23)
		db	B1+B4+B7	; access (data, write, present,level 0)
		db	0		; limit 16-19, flags: 16-bit, 1 Byte
		db	0		; base address (bits 24 to 31)

				; --- 8: APM 64K 32b code desriptor
		dw	0ffffh		; segment limit (bits 0 to 15)
		dw	0		; base address (bits 0 to 15)
		db	0		; base address (bits 16 to 23)
		db	B1+B3+B4+B7	; access (code, read, present, level 0)
		db	B6		; limit 16-19, flags: 32-bit, 1 Byte
		db	0		; base address (bits 24 to 31)

				; --- 9: APM 64K 16b code desriptor
		dw	0ffffh		; segment limit (bits 0 to 15)
		dw	0		; base address (bits 0 to 15)
		db	0		; base address (bits 16 to 23)
		db	B1+B3+B4+B7	; access (code, read, present, level 0)
		db	0		; limit 16-19, flags: 16-bit, 1 Byte
		db	0		; base address (bits 24 to 31)

				; --- 10: APM 64K 32b data desriptor
		dw	0ffffh		; segment limit (bits 0 to 15)
		dw	0		; base address (bits 0 to 15)
		db	0		; base address (bits 16 to 23)
		db	B1+B4+B7	; access (data, write, present,level 0)
		db	B6		; limit 16-19, flags: 32-bit, 1 Byte
		db	0		; base address (bits 24 to 31)

; ------------- Boot global descriptor table

		align	4, db 0
		dw	0		; align
BootGDT:	dw	BootGDTTabEnd-BootGDTTab-1 ; GDT size limit
		dd	BootGDTTab-SYSTEM_ADDR ; GDT base address

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