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Initialize Advanced Power Management

; =============================================================================
;                Litos - Advanced Power Management, real mode
; =============================================================================


; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                            Init advanced power management
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	DS = data segment
; DESTROYS:	All registers except DS
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Installation check

InitAPM:	mov	ax,5300h	; AX <- function code
		xor	bx,bx		; BX <- 0 device ID of system BIOS
		xor	cx,cx		; CX <- 0 preset flags
		stc			; preset error flag
		int	15h		; installation check
		jc	InitAPM2	; error, no APM
		cmp	bx,504Dh	; check magic, "PM"
		jne	InitAPM2	; error, no APM
		test	cl,B1		; is 32-bit mode supported?
		jz	InitAPM2	; 32-bit mode is not supported, error

; ------------- Store APM parameters

		mov	[APMVersion],ax	; store APM version
		mov	[APMFlags],cx	; store APM flags

; ------------- Disconnect interface

		mov	ax,5304h	; AX <- function code
		xor	bx,bx		; BX <- 0 device ID of system BIOS
		int	15h		; disconnect real mode interface

; ------------- Connect 32-bit protected mode interface

		mov	si,4000h	; SI <- preset if not supported
		mov	di,si		; DI <- preset if not supported
		mov	ax,5303h	; AX <- function code
		xor	bx,bx		; BX <- 0 device ID of system BIOS
		int	15h		; connect 32-bit mode interface
		jnc	InitAPM4	; OK
		mov	byte [APMVerMaj],0 ; error, APM is not supported
InitAPM2:	ret

; ------------- Store interface parameters

InitAPM4:	mov	[APMEntry],ebx	; offset of entry point
		mov	[APMCode32],ax	; segment of 32-bit code
		mov	[APMCode16],cx	; segment of 16-bit code
		mov	[APMData],dx	; segment of data
		mov	[APMCodeLen],si	; segment length of code
		mov	[APMDataLen],di	; segment length of data

; ------------- Disconnect interface

		mov	ax,5304h	; AX <- function code
		xor	bx,bx		; BX <- 0 device ID of system BIOS
		int	15h		; disconnect real mode interface

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                                   Data
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


		align	2, db 0
APMVerMin:	db	0		; APM minor version
APMVerMaj:	db	0		; APM major version (0=not supported)

		align	2, db 0
APMFlags:	dw	0		; APM flags
					;   B0: 16-bit protected mode supported
					;   B1: 32-bit protected mode supported
					;   B2: CPU idle call reduces CPU speed
					;   B3: BIOS power management disabled
					;   B4: BIOS power manag. disengaged

		align	4, db 0
APMEntry:	dd	0		; offset of entry point
APMCode32:	dw	0		; segment of 32-bit code
APMCode16:	dw	0		; segment of 16-bit code
APMData:	dw	0		; segment of data
APMCodeLen:	dw	0		; segment length of code
APMDataLen:	dw	0		; segment length of data

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