; =============================================================================
; Litos - Initialization, debug
; =============================================================================
%ifdef DEBUG
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; BIOS display HEX number
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: BIOSDispHexByte: AL = byte to display
; BIOSDispHexWord: AX = word to display
; BIOSDispHexDWrd: DX:AX = double word to display
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Display HEX double word in DX:AX
BIOSDispHexDWrd:xchg ax,dx ; AX <- high word
call BIOSDispHexWord ; display HEX word
xchg ax,dx ; AX <- LOW word
; ------------- Display delimiting character
push ax ; push AX
mov al,"'" ; AL <-. delimiting character
call BIOSDispChar ; display delimiting character
pop ax ; pop AX
; ------------- Display HEX word in AX
BIOSDispHexWord:xchg al,ah ; AL <- high byte
call BIOSDispHexByte ; display HEX byte
xchg al,ah ; AL <- low byte
; ------------- Display HEX byte in AL
BIOSDispHexByte:push ax ; push AX
shr al,1
shr al,1
shr al,1
shr al,1 ; AL >> 4
call BIOSDispHexCh ; display HEX digit
pop ax ; pop AX
; ------------- Display HEX digit in AL (low nibble)
BIOSDispHexCh: push ax ; push AX
and al,0fh ; mask low nibble
add al,"0" ; convert to ASCII characters
cmp al,"9" ; is it decimal digit?
jbe BIOSDispHexCh2 ; it is OK
add al,"A"-"9"-1 ; convert to ASCII character
BIOSDispHexCh2: call BIOSDispChar ; display character
pop ax ; pop AX
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; BIOS display number
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: AX = number to display
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
BIOSDispNum: push ax ; push AX
push bx ; push BX
push cx ; push CX
push dx ; push DX
; ------------- Decode digits of number (into stack)
xor cx,cx ; CX <- 0 counter of digits
BIOSDispNum2: xor dx,dx ; DX <- 0 digit HIGH
mov bx,10 ; BX <- 10 divider
div bx ; divide one number
add dl,"0" ; convert to character
push dx ; push DX with a digit into stack
inc cx ; increase counter of digits
or ax,ax ; is it already zero?
jnz BIOSDispNum2 ; decode other digit
; ------------- Display number
BIOSDispNum3: pop ax ; pop AX with a digit
call BIOSDispChar ; display character
loop BIOSDispNum3 ; display next character
; ------------- Pop registers
pop dx ; pop DX
pop cx ; pop CX
pop bx ; pop BX
pop ax ; pop AX
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; BIOS display new line
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: DS = data segment
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
BIOSDispNewLine:push ax ; push AX
mov al,13 ; AL <- CR
call BIOSDispChar ; display CR
mov al,10 ; AL <- LF
call BIOSDispChar ; display LF
pop ax ; pop AX
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; BIOS display space character
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: DS = data segment
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
BIOSDispSpc: push ax ; push AX
mov al," " ; AL <- space character
call BIOSDispChar ; BIOS display space character
pop ax ; pop AX
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; 32-bit code section
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Debug display number with signum
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: EAX = number to display
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DebOutNumSig: push eax
or eax,eax
jns DebOutNumSig2
neg eax
push eax
mov al,"-"
call DebOutChar
pop eax
DebOutNumSig2: call DebOutNum
pop eax
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Debug display number
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: EAX = number to display
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
DebOutNum: push eax ; push EAX
push ebx ; push EBX
push ecx ; push ECX
push edx ; push EDX
; ------------- Decode digits of number (into stack)
xor ecx,ecx ; ECX <- 0, counter of digits
mov ebx,10 ; EBX <- 10 divider
DebOutNum2: xor edx,edx ; EDX <- 0, digit HIGH
div ebx ; divide one number
add dl,"0" ; convert to character
push edx ; push EDX with a digit into stack
inc ecx ; increase counter of digits
or eax,eax ; is it already zero?
jnz DebOutNum2 ; decode other digit
; ------------- Display number
DebOutNum3: pop eax ; pop AX with a digit
call DebOutChar ; display character
loop DebOutNum3 ; display next character
; ------------- Pop registers
pop edx ; pop EDX
pop ecx ; pop ECX
pop ebx ; pop EBX
pop eax ; pop EAX
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Debug display HEX number
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DebOutHexD0: push eax
shr eax,16
call DebOutHexW
pop eax
jmp short DebOutHexW
DebOutHexD: push eax
shr eax,16
call DebOutHexW
mov al,"'"
call DebOutChar
pop eax
DebOutHexW: push eax
mov al,ah
call DebOutHexB
pop eax
DebOutHexB: push eax
shr al,4
call DebOutHexCh
pop eax
DebOutHexCh: push eax
and al,0fh
or al,30h
cmp al,39h
jbe DebOutHexCh2
add al,7
DebOutHexCh2: call DebOutChar
pop eax
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Debug display text
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DebOutText: push eax
push esi
DebOutText2: lodsb
or al,al
jz DebOutText4
call DebOutChar
jmp short DebOutText2
DebOutText4: pop esi
pop eax
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Debug display STEXT
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: ESI = STEXT text string
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DebOutSText: push eax
push ecx
push esi
movzx ecx,byte [esi]
inc esi
DebOutSText2: lodsb
call DebOutChar
loop DebOutSText2
pop esi
pop ecx
pop eax
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Debug set new line
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DebNewLine: inc byte [VideoRow]
cmp byte [VideoRow],25
jb DebNewLine2
mov byte [VideoRow],0
DebNewLine2: mov byte [VideoPos],0
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Debug display space character
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DebOutSpc: push eax
mov al," "
call DebOutChar
pop eax
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Debug display tabelator
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
DebOutTab: call DebOutSpc
cmp byte [VideoPos],80
jae DebNewLine
test byte [VideoPos],7
jnz DebOutTab
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Debug display character
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT: AL = character to display
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
DebOutChar: push eax
push edx
push edi
; ------------- New line
cmp al,10
jne DebOutChar2
call DebNewLine
jmp short DebOutChar8
; ------------- Character color
DebOutChar2: mov ah,[VideoCol]
push eax
; ------------- Address of video memory (-> EDI)
xor eax,eax
mov ax,[VideoSegm]
shl eax,4
xchg eax,edi
; ------------- Address of character position
movzx eax,byte [VideoRow]
mul word [VideoBytes]
add edi,eax
movzx eax,byte [VideoPos]
shl eax,1
add edi,eax
; ------------- Store character
pop eax
; ------------- Increase character position
inc byte [VideoPos]
; ------------- Pop registers
DebOutChar8: pop edi
pop edx
pop eax
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Debug clear display
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Push registers
DebOutClear: push eax
push ecx
push edi
; ------------- Address of video memory (-> EDI)
xor eax,eax
mov ax,[VideoSegm]
shl eax,4
xchg eax,edi
; ------------- Length of videomemory (-> ECX)
xor eax,eax
mov al,[VideoCols]
mul byte [VideoRows]
xchg eax,ecx
; ------------- Clear display
mov ah,[VideoCol]
mov al,32
rep stosw
; ------------- Clear row and position
mov byte [VideoRow],0
mov byte [VideoPos],0
; ------------- Pop registers
pop edi
pop ecx
pop eax