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Initialize Graphics Card

; =============================================================================
;                 Litos - Initialize graphics card, real mode
; =============================================================================

%ifdef DEBUG
;%define	DEBUG_GRAPH		; uncomment this to display GRAPH info


; ------------- Type of compatible videocard

VCARD_MDA	EQU	0		; MDA (Hercules)

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                Call Int 10h interrupt with saving registers
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Notes: Some BIOSes destroy some registers, so we call it with saving them.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Push registers

Int10:          pushf			; push flags
		push	si		; push SI
		push	di		; push DI
		push	bp		; push BP
		push	ds		; push DS
		push	es		; push ES

; ------------- Call Int 10h

		int	10h		; call int 10h

; ------------- Pop registers

		pop	es		; pop ES
		pop	ds		; pop DS
		pop	bp		; pop BP
		pop	di		; pop DI
		pop	si		; pop SI
		popf			; pop flags

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                         BIOS display character
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	AL = character to display
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Push registers

BIOSDispChar:	push	ax		; push AX
		push	bx		; push BX
		push	cx		; push CX
		push	dx		; push DX

; ------------- Display character

		mov	ah,0eh		; AH <- function code		
		mov	bx,7		; BL <- color of text, BH <- page 0
		call	Int10		; display character

; ------------- Get new cursor position

		call	GetCursorPos	; get new cursor position

; ------------- Pop registers

		pop	dx		; pop DX
		pop	cx		; pop CX
		pop	bx		; pop BX
		pop	ax		; pop AX
BIOSDispText4:	ret

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                             BIOS display text
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	DS:SI = text to display
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

BIOSDispText:	cld			; direction up
		lodsb			; AL <- character to display
		or	al,al		; end of text?
		jz	BIOSDispText4	; end of text
		call	BIOSDispChar	; BIOS display character
		jmp	short BIOSDispText ; next character

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                         Initialize graphics card
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	DS = data segment
;		[VideoCard] = VCARD_MDA
;		[VideoSegm] = 0b000h
;		[VideoRows] = 25
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Prepare BIOS data segment (-> ES)

InitCard:	xor	ax,ax		; AX <- 0
		mov	es,ax		; ES <- 0

; ------------- Check EGA videocard

		mov	ah,12h		; AH <- function code
		mov	bx,0ff10h	; BL <- function subcode
		call	Int10		; check videocard type
		cmp	bh,1		; check color mode flag
		ja	InitCard2	; invalid EGA videocard
		cmp	bl,10h		; check memory size
		je	InitCard2	; invalid EGA videocard
		mov	byte [VideoCard],VCARD_EGA ; set EGA type card
		mov	[VideoMemSize],bl ; store size of videomemory

; ------------- Number of video rows (only for EGA, VGA and MCGA)

		mov	al,[es:484h]	; AL <- number of rows-1
		inc	ax		; AL <- number of rows
		cmp	al,25		; rows minimal
		jb	InitCard1	; invalid number of rows
		mov	[VideoRows],al	; number of video rows

; ------------- Check VGA videocard

InitCard1:	mov	ax,1a00h	; AX <- function code
		call	Int10		; check VGA card
		cmp	al,1ah		; check magic number
		jne	InitCard5	; invalid VGA videocard
		inc	bx		; BL += 1
		shr	bl,1		; BL /= 2
		cmp	bl,(7+1)/2	; display combination 7 or 8?
		je	InitCard4	; ok, VGA with bw/col display
		cmp	bl,(11+1)/2	; display combination 11 or 12?
		je	InitCard4	; ok, MCGA with bw/col display
		jmp	short InitCard5	; no VGA card

; ------------- Check CGA videocard (checking control port address 3d4h/3b4h)

InitCard2:	cmp	byte [es:463h],0d4h ; is it MDA videocard?
		jb	InitCard5	; it is MDA videocard (addr. 3b4h)
InitCard4:	inc	byte [VideoCard] ; set CGA type videocard

; ------------- Get current videomode

InitCard5:	mov	ah,0fh		; AH <- function code
		call	Int10		; get initial videomode
		and	al,~B7		; reset bit 7 (clear display flag)

; ------------- Check if it is valid text videomode

          	cmp	al,3		; 0 to 4: 40x25 or 80x25
		jbe	InitCard6	; videomode is OK
		cmp	al,7		; 7: monochrome 80x25
		je	InitCard6	; videomode is OK

; ------------- Set standard videomode

		mov	ax,3		; AH <- 0 function, AL <- 3 videomode
		call	Int10		; set new videomode

; ------------- Store current videomode

		mov	ah,0fh		; AH <- function code
		call	Int10		; get initial videomode
		and	al,~B7		; reset bit 7 (clear display flag)
InitCard6:	mov	[VideoModeCols],ax ; store videomode and columns

; ------------- Segment of videomemory

		cmp	al,7		; MDA (monochrome) videomode?
		je	InitCard8	; MDA videomode
		mov	byte [VideoSegm+1],0b8h ; segment for color videomode

; ------------- Number of bytes per row

InitCard8:	mov	al,ah		; AL <- number of columns
		mov	ah,0		; AX = number of columns
		shl	ax,1		; AX <- number of bytes per row
		mov	[VideoBytes],ax	; number of bytes per row

; ------------- Select active page 0 (to set memory offset to 0)

		mov	ax,500h		; AH <- 5 function code, AL <- 0 page
		call	Int10		; select active page 0

; ------------- Debug display graphics card info
		call	DebInitGra	; debug display graphics card info
; ------------- Get cursor position (it is called as function, destroys AX-DX)

GetCursorPos:	mov	ah,3		; AH <- 3 function code
		mov	bh,0		; BH <- 0 page
		call	Int10		; get cursor position
		mov	[VideoPosRow],dx ; store cursor position and row

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                       Debug display graphics card info
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Type of graphics card

DebInitGra:	mov	si,VideoCardMsg	; SI <- debug message
		call	BIOSDispText	; display text
		mov	bh,0		; BH <- 0
		mov	bl,[VideoCard]	; BX <- type of videocard
		mov	al,[VideoCardsChar+bx] ; AL <- character (MDA is as MGA)
		call	BIOSDispChar	; display character

; ------------- Current videomode

		mov	si,VideoCardMsg2; SI <- debug text
		call	BIOSDispText	; display message
		mov	al,[VideoMode]	; AL <- current videomode
		cbw			; convert to word
		call	BIOSDispNum	; display current videomode

; ------------- Dimension of current videomode

		mov	si,VideoCardMsg22; SI <- debug text
		call	BIOSDispText	; display message
		mov	al,[VideoCols]	; AL <- number of columns
		call	BIOSDispNum	; display number of columns
		mov	al,"x"		; AL <- "x" character
		call	BIOSDispChar	; display character
		mov	al,[VideoRows]	; AL <- number of rows
		call	BIOSDispNum	; display number of rows

; ------------- Installed graphics memory

		mov	si,VideoCardMsg23; SI <- debug text
		call	BIOSDispText	; display message
		mov	al,[VideoMemSize] ; AL <- size of videomemory
		inc	ax		; correction
		mov	ah,64		; multiple (64 KB)
		mul	ah		; size of videomemory in KB
		call	BIOSDispNum	; display size of videomemory

; ------------- Segment of graphics memory

		mov	si,VideoCardMsg3; SI <- debug text
		call	BIOSDispText	; display message
		mov	ax,[VideoSegm]	; AX <- segment of videomemory
		call	BIOSDispHexWord	; display segment of videomemory
		call	BIOSDispNewLine	; display new line
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                                   Data
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


; ------------- Videocard and current videomode

VideoCard:	db	VCARD_MDA	; type of compatible videocard
VideoMemSize:	db	0		; videomemory reported by BIOS
					; (0=64K, 1=128K, 2=192K, 3=256K more)
		align	2, db 0
VideoSegm:	dw	0b000h		; current segment of videomemory

		align	2, db 0
VideoMode:	db	3		; current BIOS videomode
VideoCols:	db	80		; current number of columns

		align	2, db 0
VideoBytes:	dw	160		; current number of bytes per row

VideoRows:	db	25		; current number of rows

VideoCol:	db	7		; current color

		align	2, db 0
VideoPos:	db	0		; currect cursor position
VideoRow:	db	0		; current cursor row

; ------------- Debug messages
VideoCardMsg:	db	13,10,'--- Graphics Card:',13,10
		db	'Compatible graphics card: ',0
VideoCardsChar:	db	"M","C","E","V"
VideoCardMsg2:	db	'GA',13,10,'Current videomode: ',0
VideoCardMsg22:	db	' (',0
VideoCardMsg23:	db	')',13,10,'Installed graphics memory: ',0
VideoCardMsg3:	db	' KB',13,10,'Segment of graphics memory: ',0

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