; =============================================================================
; Litos - Kernel
; =============================================================================
; The system is loaded from the second 4 KB page of memory (first 4 KB page
; is reserved for BIOS use), e.g. from address 0:1000h, starting with CS=0
; and IP=1000h. It enables easy share code to 16-bit and 32-bit instructions.
; Later it will be relocated to 2 GB position of memory (80000000h) and
; therefore whole kernel is compiled for this address. Real-mode instructions
; accept only low 16 bits of address and then it works mostly with this
; correctly.
; ------------- Compiler configuration
%define DEBUG ; config - display DEBUG info
;%define MINI ; config - generate mini kernel
; - only 1 processor (else 32)
; - max. 256 MB of RAM (else 2 GB)
; - max. 250 tasks (else 4090)
; - max. 3FFh I/O port (else 0FFFFh)
; - 4 KB task stack (else 8 KB)
; ------------- System version
VER_MAJOR EQU 0 ; version - major
VER_MINOR EQU 1 ; version - minor (in hundredths)
VER_BUILD EQU 1 ; version - build
; ------------- Kernel setup
LINUX_INT EQU 80h ; Linux system call vector
SYSTEM_INT EQU 90h ; Litos system call vector
SYSTEM_ADDR EQU 80000000h ; address of system area (at 2 GB)
; It must be multiple of 64KB due
; to portability between 32b/16b
%ifdef MINI
SYSTEM_SIZE EQU 10000000h ; size of system area (256 MB)
SYSTEM_SIZE EQU 0ffffffffh-SYSTEM_ADDR+1 ; size of system area (2 GB)
; ------------- Processor
%ifndef MINI
%define SMP ; flag-enable symetric multiprocessors
%ifdef SMP
CPU_MAX EQU 32 ; max. number of CPUs in SMP (max. 32)
CPU_MAX EQU 1 ; maximal number of CPUs in UP
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Program sections
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Kernel uses 3 main types of program sections:
; - initialized data
; - code section, initialization (16-bit part and 32-bit part)
; - code section, kernel (16-bit part and 32-bit part)
; - exception fixup sections
; - uninitialized data
; Initialized data must be accessible from both real mode and protected mode
; and therefore it must lie in first 64 KB memory area (together with 16-bit
; part of code section). Therefore it is the first section of the kernel, so
; "text" section must be used. Behind it lies code section (using "data") and
; then exception services ("fix", "exc") and unitialized data "bss".
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Data section
org 80001000h ; start address of the system
KernelStart: ; start of kernel (PAGE aligned)
DataStart: ; start of data section
; ------------- Code section (%1 = 32 or 16, e.g. number of bits)
SECTION .data align=16
DataEnd: ; end of data section
CodeStart: ; start of code section
; ------------- Constant data section
SECTION .const
SECTION .const align=16
CodeEnd: ; end of code section
ConstStart: ; start of constant data section
; ------------- Exception fixup section
%macro FIX_SECTION 0
SECTION .fix align=16
ConstEnd: ; end of constant data section
FixStart: ; start of exception fixup section
; ------------- Exception table section - exception address
%macro EXC_SECTION 0
SECTION .exc align=16
FixEnd: ; end of exception fixup section
ExcStart: ; start of exception table section
; ------------- Exception table section - fixup address
%macro EXC2_SECTION 0
ExcEnd: ; end of exception fixup section
Exc2Start: ; start of exception table section
; ------------- Unitialized section
%macro BSS_SECTION 0
SECTION .bss align=4096
Exc2End: ; end of exception table section
BSSStart: ; start of unitialized data
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Start of system at 0000:1000 (jump here from BOOT\BOOT.ASM)
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Start: jmp near Start16 ; init real mode (-> INIT\INIT.ASM)
align 4
; ------------- Identification (offset 4 from the begin)
Ident: dw 8A26h ; identification word
; ------------- System version (in form: version X.XX)
VersionMinor: db VER_MINOR ; version - minor (in hundredths)
VersionMajor: db VER_MAJOR ; version - major
; ------------- Size of kernel in memory
dd KernelEnd - SYSTEM_ADDR
; ------------- Configuration
ConfigCon: db B0 ; console configuration
; B0: 1=output to display
; B1: 1=output to COM1
; B2: 1=output to COM2
; B3: 1=output to COM3
; B4: 1=output to COM4
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Includes - definitions
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%include "INCLUDE\CONSTANT.INC" ; constants
%include "INCLUDE\ERRORS.INC" ; error codes
%include "INCLUDE\EXCEPTION.INC" ; exceptions
%include "INCLUDE\CPU.INC" ; processor
%include "INCLUDE\SPINLOCK.INC" ; spin-lock
%include "INCLUDE\LIST.INC" ; list
%include "INCLUDE\HASH.INC" ; hash list
%include "INCLUDE\TREE.INC" ; tree list
%include "INCLUDE\TASKLOCK.INC" ; task lock
%include "INCLUDE\SEMAPHOR.INC" ; semaphore and mutex
%include "INCLUDE\TEXT.INC" ; text string
%include "INCLUDE\IRQ.INC" ; interrupt request
%include "INCLUDE\TRAPS.INC" ; traps
%include "INCLUDE\PAGE.INC" ; memory pages
%include "INCLUDE\CROSS.INC" ; cross list
%include "INCLUDE\ALARM.INC" ; alarm
%include "INCLUDE\BUFFER.INC" ; buffer array
%include "INCLUDE\RBTREE.INC" ; red-black balanced tree
%include "INCLUDE\OBJECT.INC" ; objects
%include "INCLUDE\VIRTMEM.INC" ; virtual memory
%include "INCLUDE\TASK.INC" ; task
%include "INCLUDE\PROCESS.INC" ; process
%include "INCLUDE\GLDT.INC" ; global/local descriptor
%include "INCLUDE\IDT.INC" ; interrupt descriptor
%include "INCLUDE\CALENDAR.INC" ; calendar, date and time
%include "INCLUDE\SIGNAL.INC" ; signals
; ------------- Drivers
%include "INCLUDE\DRIVERS\DRIVER.INC" ; general driver
%include "INCLUDE\DRIVERS\CHARSET.INC" ; character sets
%include "INCLUDE\DRIVERS\DISPLAY.INC" ; general display
%include "INCLUDE\DRIVERS\KEYBOARD.INC" ; keyboard driver
%include "INCLUDE\DRIVERS\CONSOLE.INC" ; console
%include "INCLUDE\DRIVERS\VT102.INC" ; VT102 terminal emulator
%include "INCLUDE\DRIVERS\DATADEV.INC" ; data device
%include "INCLUDE\DRIVERS\DISK.INC" ; block device
%include "INCLUDE\DRIVERS\FLOPPY.INC" ; floppy disk
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Unitialized buffers (it must be PAGE aligned!)
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Kernel page directory (4 KB, must be 4 KB aligned)
align PAGE_SIZE, resb 1; align to page size (already aligned)
PageDir: resb PAGE_SIZE ; page directory (holds 1024 PDEs)
; ------------- Empty zero page (4 KB, must be 4 KB aligned)
align PAGE_SIZE, resb 1; align to page size (already aligned)
PageEmpty: resb PAGE_SIZE ; empty zero page (contains zeros)
; ------------- System global descriptor table (size 64 KB or 4 KB)
align PAGE_SIZE, resb 1; align to page size (already aligned)
SystemGDTTab: resb SYSTEM_GDT_NUM*GLDT_size ; system GDT
TaskLDTTab EQU SystemGDTTab+TASK_GDT_LDT*GLDT_size ; task LDT descr.
TaskTSSTab: EQU SystemGDTTab+TASK_GDT_TSS*GLDT_size ; task TSS descr.
; ------------- Memory bit map of available 4 KB pages (size 64 KB or 8 KB)
; This bit map will be later (after initialization) freed as free DMA memory.
align PAGE_SIZE, resb 1; align to page size (already aligned)
PageMemMap: resb SYSTEM_SIZE/PAGE_SIZE/8 ; memory bit map of free pages
; ------------- System interrupt descriptor table (6 KB or 2 KB)
; Correction of Intel Pentium F00F bug: see InitPDE in INIT\INIT_32.ASM.
align PAGE_SIZE,resb 1; align to page size (already aligned)
resb PAGE_SIZE - 56 ; 56 bytes before end of page
SystemIDTTab: resb 256*8 ; system interrupt descriptor table
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Includes - code
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ------------- Initialization in real mode
%include "INIT\INIT.ASM" ; initialization, real mode
%include "INIT\INIT_DBG.ASM" ; initialization, debug
%include "INIT\INIT_GRA.ASM" ; initialize graphics card
%include "INIT\INIT_HD.ASM" ; initialize hard drives
%include "INIT\INIT_MEM.ASM" ; initialize memory map
%include "INIT\INIT_APM.ASM" ; initialize advanced power management
%include "INIT\INIT_A20.ASM" ; initialize A20 address line
; ------------- Initialization in protected mode
%include "INIT\INIT_32.ASM" ; initialization, protected mode
%include "INIT\INIT_CPU.ASM" ; initialize CPU
%include "INIT\INIT_SYS.ASM" ; initialize kernel
; ------------- Utilities
%include "UTIL\SPINLOCK.ASM" ; spin-lock
%include "UTIL\LIST.ASM" ; list
%include "UTIL\HASH.ASM" ; hash list
%include "UTIL\TREE.ASM" ; tree list
%include "UTIL\RWLOCK.ASM" ; read/write spin-lock (unused now)
%include "UTIL\TASKLOCK.ASM" ; task lock
%include "UTIL\SEMAPHOR.ASM" ; semaphore and mutex
%include "UTIL\RBTREE.ASM" ; red-black balanced tree
%include "UTIL\RANDOM.ASM" ; random generator
%include "UTIL\OBJECT.ASM" ; objects
%include "UTIL\BUFFER.ASM" ; buffer array
%include "UTIL\TEXT.ASM" ; text string
; ------------- Kernel
%include "KERNEL\SYSMEM.ASM" ; system memory allocator
%include "KERNEL\VIRTMEM.ASM" ; virtual memory
%include "KERNEL\PAGE.ASM" ; memory pages
%include "KERNEL\CPU.ASM" ; processor
%include "KERNEL\DMA.ASM" ; DMA channel
%include "KERNEL\IRQ.ASM" ; interrupt request
%include "KERNEL\TASK.ASM" ; task
%include "KERNEL\TRAPS.ASM" ; traps
%include "KERNEL\SYSTEM.ASM" ; system calls
%include "KERNEL\LINUX.ASM" ; Linux system calls
%include "KERNEL\TIME.ASM" ; time
%include "KERNEL\ALARM.ASM" ; alarm
%include "KERNEL\CALENDAR.ASM" ; calendar
%include "KERNEL\SCHEDULE.ASM" ; scheduler
%include "KERNEL\SIGNAL.ASM" ; signals
; ------------- Drivers
%include "DRIVERS\FONT\F08.ASM" ; font 8x8
%include "DRIVERS\FONT\F10.ASM" ; font 8x10
%include "DRIVERS\FONT\F14.ASM" ; font 8x14
%include "DRIVERS\DRIVER.ASM" ; general driver
%include "DRIVERS\CHARSET.ASM" ; character sets
%include "DRIVERS\VIDEO\DISPLAY.ASM" ; general display
%include "DRIVERS\VIDEO\TXT.ASM" ; TXT display
%include "DRIVERS\VIDEO\HGC.ASM" ; HGC display (Hercules)
%include "DRIVERS\VIDEO\CGA.ASM" ; CGA display
%include "DRIVERS\VIDEO\EGA.ASM" ; EGA display
%include "DRIVERS\VIDEO\VGA.ASM" ; VGA display
%include "DRIVERS\VIDEO\SVGA.ASM" ; SVGA display
%include "DRIVERS\KEYBOARD.ASM" ; keyboard driver
%include "DRIVERS\CONSOLE.ASM" ; console
%include "DRIVERS\VT102.ASM" ; VT102 terminal emulator
%include "DRIVERS\DATADEV.ASM" ; data device
%include "DRIVERS\DISK.ASM" ; block device
%include "DRIVERS\FLOPPY.ASM" ; floppy disk
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; End of unitialized data
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
align PAGE_SIZE, resb 1
BSSEnd: ; end of unitialized data (PAGE align.)
KernelEnd: ; end of kernel (PAGE aligned)