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System Memory Allocator

; =============================================================================
;                     Litos - System memory allocator
; =============================================================================


; ------------- Constants (there are hardcoded on many places)

DMAMAXMEM	EQU	1000000h	; DMA memory size (16 MB)

MEMAREASIZE	EQU	20000h		; size of memory area (128 KB)
MEMAREAMASK	EQU	~(MEMAREASIZE-1) ; mask memory area
MEMAREASHIFT	EQU	17		; bit shifts of memory area
MEMAREAPAGES	EQU	MEMAREASIZE/PAGE_SIZE ; number fo pages per area (32)
MEMAREANUM	EQU	SYSTEM_SIZE/MEMAREASIZE; number of memory areas (4000h)

; ------------- Block descriptor

struc		BLOCK

		resb	LIST_size	; 0: chain of free memory blocks
BLOCK_Order:	resd	1		; 8: order of memory block
BLOCK_Size:	resd	1		; 0Ch: size of one memory block
BLOCK_Blocks:	resd	1		; 10h: number of blocks per one area
BLOCK_Last:	resd	1		; 14h: offset of last memory block
		resd	2		; 18h: ...reserved (for align)

endstruc				; size 32 bytes (it is hardcoded!)

; ------------- Initialized block descriptor (%1=order of block)

%macro		BLOCKHEAD 1

		LISTHEAD		; chain of free memory blocks
		dd	%1		; order of memory block
		dd	(1 << %1)	; size of one memory block
		dd	MEMAREASIZE / (1 << %1) ; number of blocks per one area
		dd	MEMAREASIZE - (1 << %1) ; offset of last memory block
		dd	0,0		; reserved (for align)

; ------------- DMA memory free block

struc		DMAMEM

		resb	LIST_size	; 0: list of DMA memory free blocks
DMAMEM_Size:	resd	1		; 8: size of DMA memory block (bytes)

endstruc				; size 12 bytes

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                       Initialize system memory allocator
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; DESTROYS:	All registers
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Mark all areas as page-sized

SysMemInit:	mov	edi,SysMemAreas	; EDI <- map of order of memory areas
		mov	eax,0c0c0c0ch	; all pages are 12-bits (= 4 KB)
		mov	ecx,MEMAREANUM/4 ; ECX <- size of map / 4
		rep	stosd		; initialize map

; ------------- Mark all pages as used

		mov	edi,SysMemUsed	; EDI <- counters of memory areas
		push	edi		; push EDI
		mov	eax,(MEMAREAPAGES<<16) + MEMAREAPAGES ; num. of pages
		mov	cx,MEMAREANUM/2	; ECX <- size of map / 2
		rep	stosd		; initialize counters
		pop	edi		; pop EDI (counters)

; ------------- Prepare required DMA memory (-> EBP)

		mov	ebp,[TotalMemory] ; EBP <- total memory
		shr	ebp,5		; EBP <- required DMA memory size
		cmp	ebp,DMAMAXMEM	; overflow DMA maximal address?
		jbe	SysMemInit1	; not overflow
		mov	ebp,DMAMAXMEM	; EBP <- limit DMA memory size

; ------------- Prepare pointers to regions (it uses EAX, ESI, EDI, EBP)

SysMemInit1:	mov	esi,PageMemMap	; ESI <- page memory map
		mov	eax,SYSTEM_ADDR	; EAX <- address of memory area

; ------------- Check if this area has any usable pages

SysMemInit2:	cmp	dword [esi],byte 0 ; area has any free pages?
		je	SysMemInit8	; area has no free pages

; ------------- Check if this memory area is whole free

		cmp	dword [esi],byte -1 ; is whole memory area free?
		jne	SysMemInit4	; whole memory area is not free

; ------------- Check if this area should be added to the DMA memory

		cmp	eax,DMAMAXMEM+SYSTEM_ADDR ; is it valid DMA address?
		jae	SysMemInit3	; it is not valid DMA memory
		cmp	ebp,PAGE_SIZE	; required any next DMA memory?
		jb	SysMemInit3	; no other DMA memory required
		mov	edx,MEMAREASIZE	; EDX <- size of memory area
		cmp	ebp,edx		; required whole DMA area?
		jb	SysMemInit4	; add this area per pages

; ------------- Add area into DMA memory

		sub	ebp,edx		; EBP <- decrease required memory
		xchg	eax,edx		; EDX <- address of area, EAX <- size
		call	DMAMemFree	; free DMA memory area
		xchg	eax,edx		; EAX <- address of area
		jmp	short SysMemInit8 ; next memory area

; ------------- Add whole area into free area chain

SysMemInit3:	mov	ebx,SysMemFreeArea ; free memory areas
		call	ListAdd		; free memory area
		and	word [edi],byte 0 ; all pages are free
		add	word [TotalMemFree+2],byte (MEMAREASIZE >> 16)
		jmp	short SysMemInit8 ; next memory area

; ------------- Prepare to free single pages

SysMemInit4:	mov	ecx,B0		; ECX <- bit mask
		push	eax		; push EAX

; ------------- Check if this page is available

SysMemInit5:	test	[esi],ecx	; is this page available?
		jz	SysMemInit7	; this page is not available

; ------------- Free this page as DMA memory

		cmp	eax,DMAMAXMEM+SYSTEM_ADDR ; is it valid DMA address?
		jae	SysMemInit6	; it is not valid DMA memory
		mov	edx,PAGE_SIZE	; EDX <- page size
		cmp	ebp,edx		; required next page?
		jb	SysMemInit6	; no other DMA required
		sub	ebp,edx		; decrease DMA counter
		xchg	eax,edx		; EDX <- address of page, EAX <- size
		call	DMAMemFree	; free DMA page
		xchg	eax,edx		; EAX <- address of page
		jmp	short SysMemInit7 ; next page

; ------------- Free this page

SysMemInit6:	push	eax		; push EAX
		call	SysMemFree	; free this memory page
		pop	eax		; pop EAX

; ------------- Next page

SysMemInit7:    add	eax,PAGE_SIZE	; EAX <- increase page address
		shl	ecx,1		; rotate mask
		jnc	SysMemInit5	; next memory page
		pop	eax		; pop EAX

; ------------- Next memory area

SysMemInit8:	add	esi,byte 4	; ESI <- increase page memory map
		add	eax,MEMAREASIZE	; EAX <- increase memory area address
		inc	edi
		inc	edi		; EDI <- next counter of memory area
		cmp	edi,SysMemUsed+MEMAREANUM*2 ; end of memory?
		jb	SysMemInit2	; initialize next memory area

; ------------- Free memory bit map

		mov	eax,PageMemMap	; EAX <- memory map buffer
		mov	ecx,(SYSTEM_SIZE/PAGE_SIZE/8)/PAGE_SIZE ; pages
		mov	edx,PAGE_SIZE	; EDX <- page size
SysMemInit9:	cmp	ebp,edx		; required next DMA page?
		jb	SysMemInit92	; no other DMA memory required
		sub	ebp,edx		; decrease DMA counter
		xchg	eax,edx		; EDX <- address of page, EAX <- size
		call	DMAMemFree	; free DMA page
		xchg	eax,edx		; EAX <- address of page, EDX <- size
		jmp	short SysMemInit94

SysMemInit92:	push	eax		; push EAX
		call	SysMemFree	; free this memory page
		pop	eax		; pop EAX

SysMemInit94:	add	eax,edx		; EAX <- address of next page
		loop	SysMemInit9	; next page

; ------------- Total DMA memory

		mov	eax,[TotalDMAMemFree] ; EAX <- free DMA memory
		mov	[TotalDMAMemory],eax ; total DMA memory

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                        Allocate system memory block
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	EAX = required size of system memory block (max. 128 KB)
; OUTPUT:	CY = insufficient memory (EAX = 0)
;		EAX = address of system memory block (0=insufficient memory)
; LOCKS:	SysMemLock
; NOTES:	Memory blocks are aligned to their size.
;		For memory blocks below 8 bytes a 8-byte block is returned.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Push registers

SysMemAlloc:	push	ebx		; push EBX
		push	ecx		; push ECX
		pushf			; push flags
		cli			; disable interrupts

; ------------- Lock access to system memory allocator
%ifdef	SMP
		mov	ebx,SysMemLock	; system memory lock
		LOCK_Lock ebx		; lock system memory allocator
; ------------- Minimal size of memory block (8 bytes is size of LINK entry)

		cmp	eax,byte 8	; minimal size of memory block
		jae	SysMemAlloc2	; memory block size is OK
		mov	eax,8		; minimal size of memory block

; ------------- Transfer size of memory block to its order

SysMemAlloc2:	dec	eax		; EAX <- block size - 1
		bsr	eax,eax		; find order of memory block - 1
		cmp	al,MEMAREASHIFT ; maximal order of memory block
		jae	SysMemAlloc4	; invalid size of memory block

; ------------- Prepare pointer to block descriptor (-> EBX)

		shl	eax,5		; (order of memory block-1) * 32
		lea	ebx,[SysMemBlocks+eax-2*BLOCK_size]

; ------------- Check if any free memory block is available

SysMemAlloc3:	mov	eax,[ebx+LIST_Next] ; first free memory block
		cmp	eax,ebx		; is it valid memory block?
		je	SysMemAlloc6	; it is not valid memory block

; ------------- Detach block from free memory block chain

		LISTDELPREV eax,ebx,ecx	; detach block

; ------------- Increase used counter

		mov	ecx,eax		; ECX <- address of memory block
		shr	ecx,MEMAREASHIFT ; ECX <- number of memory area
		inc 	word [SysMemUsed+ecx*2-MEMNUMCORR*2] ; increase counter

; ------------- Unlock acces to system memory allocator
%ifdef	SMP
		LOCK_Unlock SysMemLock	; unlock system memory allocator
; ------------- Pop registers (and clear error flag)

		popf			; pop flags
		clc			; clear error flag
		pop	ecx		; pop ECX
		pop	ebx		; pop EBX

; ------------- Error - insufficient memory

SysMemAlloc4:	xor	eax,eax		; EAX <- 0, invalid pointer

; ------------- Unlock acces to system memory allocator (it saves CF)
%ifdef	SMP
		LOCK_Unlock SysMemLock	; unlock system memory allocator
; ------------- Pop registers (and set error flag)

		popf			; pop flags
		stc			; set error flag
		pop	ecx		; pop ECX
		pop	ebx		; pop EBX

; ------------- Get next free memory area

SysMemAlloc6:	mov	ecx,SysMemFreeArea ; free memory areas
		mov	eax,[ecx+LIST_Next] ; EAX <- next memory area
		cmp	eax,ecx		; is any area available?
		je	SysMemAlloc4	; there is no area available

; ------------- Push registers 2

		push	edx		; push EDX
		push	esi		; push ESI
; ------------- Detach memory area from the list

		LISTDELPREV eax,ecx,edx	; detach memory area from the list

; ------------- Decrease free memory counter

		sub	word [TotalMemFree+2],byte MEMAREASIZE >> 16

; ------------- Set order to the map

		mov	edx,eax		; EDX <- address of the area
		shr	edx,MEMAREASHIFT ; EDX <- number of the memory area
		mov	cl,[ebx+BLOCK_Order] ; CL <- order of memory block
		mov	[SysMemAreas+edx-MEMNUMCORR],cl ; store order of area

; ------------- Link first block to the head

		LINKLINK ebx,eax	; link EAX after EBX

; ------------- Prepare registers to initialize memory blocks

		mov	ecx,[ebx+BLOCK_Blocks] ; ECX <- number of blocks
		dec	ecx		; without one block
		jz	SysMemAlloc8	; only one block is used
		mov	esi,[ebx+BLOCK_Size] ; ESI <- size of a block

; ------------- Initialize chain of memory blocks

SysMemAlloc7:	lea	edx,[eax+esi]	; EDX <- address of next memory block
		LINKLINK eax,edx	; link EDX after EAX
		xchg	eax,edx		; EAX <- next block
		loop	SysMemAlloc7	; next memory block

; ------------- Link last block to the head

SysMemAlloc8:	LINKLINK eax,ebx	; link EBX after EAX

; ------------- Pop registers 2

		pop	esi		; pop ESI
		pop	edx		; pop EDX
		jmp	SysMemAlloc3	; get new entry

SysMemFree9:	ret

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                         Free system memory block
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	EAX = address of system memory block (it can be NULL)
; LOCKS:	SysMemLock
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Check if it is NULL pointer

SysMemFree:	or	eax,eax		; is it NULL pointer?
		jz	short SysMemFree9 ; it is NULL pointer

; ------------- Push registers

		push	ebx		; push EBX
		push	ecx		; push ECX
		push	edx		; push EDX
		pushf			; push flags
		cli			; disable interrupts

; ------------- Lock access to system memory allocator
%ifdef	SMP
		mov	ebx,SysMemLock	; system memory lock
		LOCK_Lock ebx		; lock system memory allocator
; ------------- Number of memory area

		mov	edx,eax		; EDX <- address of memory block
		shr	edx,MEMAREASHIFT ; EDX <- number of memory area

; ------------- Pointer to block descriptor

		movzx	ebx,byte [SysMemAreas+edx-MEMNUMCORR] ; order
		shl	ebx,5		; EBX * 32, offset of descriptor
		add	ebx,SysMemBlocks - 3*BLOCK_size

; ------------- Attach memory block to block descriptor

		LISTADD	ebx,eax,ecx	; attach block to descriptor

; ------------- Decrease counter of used blocks

		dec 	word [SysMemUsed+edx*2-MEMNUMCORR*2] ; decrease counter
		jnz	SysMemFree8	; area is not free

; ------------- Push registers 2

		push	esi		; push ESI

; ------------- Free block in this memory area

		and	eax,MEMAREAMASK	; mask memory area
		push	eax		; push EAX (address of memory area)
		mov	ecx,[ebx+BLOCK_Blocks] ; ECX <- number of blocks
		mov	esi,[ebx+BLOCK_Size] ; ESI <- size of a block
SysMemFree4:	LISTDEL	eax,ebx,edx	; detach memory block
		add	eax,esi		; EAX <- next memory block
		loop	SysMemFree4	; next memory block
		pop	eax		; pop EAX (address of memory area)

; ------------- Free memory area

		mov	ebx,SysMemFreeArea ; free memory areas
		LISTADD ebx,eax,ecx	; free memory area

; ------------- Increase free memory counter

		add	word [TotalMemFree+2],byte MEMAREASIZE >> 16

; ------------- Pop registers 2

		pop	esi		; pop ESI

; ------------- Unlock acces to system memory allocator

%ifdef	SMP
		LOCK_Unlock SysMemLock	; unlock system memory allocator
; ------------- Pop registers

		popf			; pop flags
		pop	edx		; pop EDX
		pop	ecx		; pop ECX
		pop	ebx		; pop EBX
		xor	eax,eax		; EAX <- 0, invalid pointer

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                         Allocate DMA memory block
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	EAX = required size of DMA memory block (max. 64 KB)
; OUTPUT:	CY = insufficient memory (EDX = 0)
;		EDX = address of DMA memory block (0=insufficient memory)
; NOTES:	Size of DMA memory block is rounded up to page size.
;		Address of DMA memory block is aligned to page boundary.
;		DMA memory block does not overlap 64 KB boundary.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Push registers

DMAMemAlloc:	push	eax		; push EAX
		push	ebx		; push EBX
		push	ecx		; push ECX
		push	esi		; push ESI
		push	edi		; push EDI
		pushf			; push flags
		cli			; disable interrupts

; ------------- Lock access to DMA memory allocator
%ifdef	SMP
		mov	ebx,DMAMemLock	; EBX <- DMA memory lock
		LOCK_Lock ebx		; lock access to DMA memory allocator
; ------------- Correct size of memory block

		add	eax,PAGE_SIZE-1	; round up to next page
		and	eax,PAGE_MASK	; round to page size
		jnz	DMAMemGet1	; block size is OK
		mov	eax,PAGE_SIZE	; EAX <- minimal memory block size
DMAMemGet1:	cmp	eax,10000h	; maximum memory block size
		ja	DMAMemGet4	; error, too big memory block required

; ------------- Prepare registers

		mov	ebx,DMAMemFreeHead ; EBX <- list head of DMA chain
		mov	edx,ebx		; EDX <- list head of DMA chain
		jmp	short DMAMemGet3 ; find free DMA memory block

; ------------- Find suitable DMA memory block
DMAMemGet2:	mov	edi,[edx+DMAMEM_Size] ; EDI <- size of memory block
		sub	edi,eax		; EDI <- rest of block
		jnc	DMAMemGet5	; DMA block is big enough
DMAMemGet3:	mov	edx,[edx+LIST_Next] ; EDX <- next DMA block
		cmp	edx,ebx		; end of DMA memory chain?
		jne	DMAMemGet2	; test next DMA memory block

; ------------- Error - insufficient memory

DMAMemGet4:	xor	edx,edx		; EDX <- 0, invalid memory block

; ------------- Unlock access to DMA memory allocator
%ifdef	SMP
		LOCK_Unlock DMAMemLock	; unlock access to DMA memory alloc.
; ------------- Pop registers (and set error flag)

		popf			; pop flags
		stc			; set error flag
		pop	edi		; pop EDI
		pop	esi		; pop ESI
		pop	ecx		; pop ECX
		pop	ebx		; pop EBX
		pop	eax		; pop EAX

; ------------- Check 64 KB boundary

DMAMemGet5:	xor	esi,esi		; ESI <- 0, size of first part
		mov	ecx,edx		; ECX <- address of memory block
		add	ecx,0ffffh	; rounding up to next 64 KB boundary
		xor	cx,cx		; align to 64 KB boundary
		sub	ecx,edx		; ECX <- distance to 64 KB boundary
		cmp	ecx,eax		; is there enough space for the block?
		jae	DMAMemGet6	; 64 KB boundary is OK

; ------------- Shift block to next 64 KB boundary

		mov	esi,ecx		; ESI <- size of first block
		sub	edi,ecx		; EDI <- size of second block
		jc	DMAMemGet3	; error, block is not big enough

; ------------- Decrease size of DMA free memory

DMAMemGet6:	sub	[TotalDMAMemFree],eax ; decrease free DMA size

; ------------- Resize first part of block or detach it from the chain

		mov	ebx,edx		; EBX <- prepare previous block
		mov	[edx+DMAMEM_Size],esi ; new size of first part
		or	esi,esi		; is any first part of block?
		jnz	DMAMemGet7	; first part of block will be valid
		mov	ebx,[edx+LIST_Prev] ; EBX <- previous block
		call	ListDelEDX	; detach block from the chain
; ------------- Attach second part of block to the list of free blocks

DMAMemGet7:	or	edi,edi		; remains any second part?
		jz	DMAMemGet8	; no second part remains
		add	eax,edx		; add address of block
		add	eax,esi		; add first part of block
		mov	[eax+DMAMEM_Size],edi ; size of this block
		call	ListAdd		; add new entry to the chain

; ------------- Address of memory block

DMAMemGet8:	add	edx,esi		; EDX <- address of memory block

; ------------- Unlock access to DMA memory allocator
%ifdef	SMP
		LOCK_Unlock DMAMemLock	; unlock access to DMA memory alloc.
; ------------- Pop registers (and clear error flag)

		popf			; pop flags
		clc			; clear error flag
		pop	edi		; pop EDI
		pop	esi		; pop ESI
		pop	ecx		; pop ECX
		pop	ebx		; pop EBX
		pop	eax		; pop EAX
DMAMemFree9:	ret

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                         Free DMA memory block
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; INPUT:	EAX = size of DMA memory block
;		EDX = address of DMA memory block (it can be NULL)
; NOTES:	Size and address must be the same as was used in DMAMemGet.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ------------- Check NULL pointer

DMAMemFree:	or	edx,edx		; NULL pointer?
		jz	short DMAMemFree9 ; NULL pointer

; ------------- Push registers

		push	eax		; push EAX
		push	ebx		; push EBX
		push	ecx		; push ECX
		push	edx		; push EDX
		pushf			; push flags
		cli			; disable interrupts

; ------------- Lock access to DMA memory allocator
%ifdef	SMP
		mov	ebx,DMAMemLock	; EBX <- DMA memory lock
		LOCK_Lock ebx		; lock access to DMA memory allocator
; ------------- Correct size of memory block

		add	eax,PAGE_SIZE-1	; round up to next page
		and	eax,PAGE_MASK	; round to page size
		jnz	DMAMemFree2	; block size is OK
		mov	eax,PAGE_SIZE	; EAX <- minimal memory block size

; ------------- Increase size of DMA free memory

DMAMemFree2:	add	[TotalDMAMemFree],eax ; increase free DMA size

; ------------- Prepare registers

		mov	ecx,DMAMemFreeHead ; ECX <- list head of DMA chain
		mov	ebx,ecx		; EBX <- list head of DMA chain
		jmp	short DMAMemFree4 ; find free DMA memory block

; ------------- Find suitable place for inserting DMA memory block
DMAMemFree3:	cmp	edx,ebx		; is it suitable address?
		ja	DMAMemFree5	; it is suitable block
DMAMemFree4:	mov	ebx,[ebx+LIST_Prev] ; EBX <- previous DMA block
		cmp	ebx,ecx		; end of DMA memory chain?
		jne	DMAMemFree3	; test next DMA memory block
		jmp	short DMAMemFree6 ; cannot join block with chain head

; ------------- Join block with previous one

DMAMemFree5:	mov	ecx,ebx		; ECX <- previous block
		add	ecx,[ecx+DMAMEM_Size] ; ECX <- end of previous block
		cmp	ecx,edx		; are blocks neighbors?
		jne	DMAMemFree6	; blocks are not neighbors
		add	eax,[ecx+DMAMEM_Size] ; EAX <- new size of block
		mov	[ecx+DMAMEM_Size],eax ; correct size of previous block
		mov	edx,ecx		; EDX <- new block
		jmp	short DMAMemFree7

; ------------- Insert new block after found one

DMAMemFree6:	mov	[edx+DMAMEM_Size],eax ; set size of block
		xchg	eax,edx		; EAX <- address of block, EDX <- size
		call	ListAdd		; add new block into chain
		xchg	eax,edx		; EDX <- address of block, EAX <- size

; ------------- Join block with following one

DMAMemFree7:	mov	ecx,edx		; ECX <- block address
		add	ecx,eax		; ECX <- end of block
		mov	ebx,[edx+LIST_Next] ; EBX <- next block
		cmp	ecx,ebx		; is neighbor with next block?
		jne	DMAMemFree8	; no, their are not neighbors
		add	eax,[ebx+DMAMEM_Size] ; EAX <- new size of block
		mov	[edx+DMAMEM_Size],eax ; set new size of block
		xchg	eax,ebx		; EAX <- address of next block
		call	ListDel		; detach following memory block

; ------------- Unlock access to DMA memory allocator

%ifdef	SMP
		LOCK_Unlock DMAMemLock	; unlock access to DMA memory alloc.
; ------------- Pop registers

		popf			; pop flags
		pop	edx		; pop EDX
		pop	ecx		; pop ECX
		pop	ebx		; pop EBX
		pop	eax		; pop EAX

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                                   Data
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


; ------------- Total physical RAM memory

		align	4, db 0
TotalMemory:	dd	KernelEnd - SYSTEM_ADDR

; ------------- Free physical RAM memory (counting only free memory areas)

		align	4, db 0
TotalMemFree:	dd	0

; ------------- End of physical RAM memory

		align	4, db 0
MemoryMax:	dd	KernelEnd - SYSTEM_ADDR

; ------------- System memory lock
%ifdef	SMP
		align	4, db 0
; ------------- Free areas

		align	8, db 0
SysMemFreeArea:	LISTHEAD

; ------------- Table of memory blocks

		align	8, db 0
SysMemBlocks:	BLOCKHEAD 3		; 8 B (=size of LIST entry)
		BLOCKHEAD 4		; 16 B
		BLOCKHEAD 5		; 32 B
		BLOCKHEAD 6		; 64 B
		BLOCKHEAD 7		; 128 B
		BLOCKHEAD 8		; 256 B
		BLOCKHEAD 9		; 512 B
		BLOCKHEAD 10		; 1 KB
		BLOCKHEAD 11		; 2 KB
		BLOCKHEAD 12		; 4 KB
		BLOCKHEAD 13		; 8 KB
		BLOCKHEAD 14		; 16 KB
		BLOCKHEAD 15		; 32 KB
		BLOCKHEAD 16		; 64 KB
		BLOCKHEAD 17		; 128 KB (=size of memory area)

; ------------- Total size of DMA memory

		align	4, db 0
TotalDMAMemory:	dd	0

; ------------- Free DMA memory

		align	4, db 0
TotalDMAMemFree:dd	0

; ------------- DMA memory lock
%ifdef	SMP
		align	4, db 0
; ------------- DMA free memory block chain

		align	8, db 0

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;                            Uninitialized data
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


; ------------- Map of order of memory areas (3=8 bytes ... 17=128 KB)

		align	4, resb 1
SysMemAreas:	resb	MEMAREANUM	; size 16 KB

; ------------- Used counters of memory areas (0=free)

		align	2, resb 1
SysMemUsed:	resw	MEMAREANUM	; size 32 KB

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