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Litos Screen Shots

Litos loading with Bochs emulator

Initialization in real mode - detected graphics card

Initialization in real mode - detected hard drives

Initialization in real mode - detected memory

Initialization in real mode - enable A20 address line

Initialization in protected mode - CPU detection

Initialization in protected mode - Date and time (using Julian 100-ns time)

CPU instruction timings (on AMD Athlon XP 2000+ / 1.66 GHz)

Test scheduler and multitasking

Test red-black tree (sorted list of random numbers)

Driver and system resource list

Keyboard and 512-character display test

Multi-page Latin fonts (part 1, OEM code pages)

Multi-page Latin fonts (part 2, OEM code pages)

Multi-page Latin fonts (part 3, Windows code pages)

Multi-page Latin fonts (part 4, ISO code pages)

Arabic fonts and code pages

Cyrillic fonts and code pages

Hebrew fonts and code pages

ANSII art with VT102 terminal emulator

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